What is Aikido?

Aikido (pronounced eye-key-dough) is a modern Japanese martial art that originated in the 20th century.

Practitioners use dynamic throwing and pinning techniques that minimise an aggressor's power, regardless of an attacker's advantage in size or strength.

Aikido teaches:

    • practical techniques of self-defense against single, multiple, and armed attackers,

    • sword and stick forms and techniques,

    • principles of intelligent self-defense,

    • meditation and breathing exercises,

    • calmness and relaxation.

Kokikai Aikido emphasizes minimizing effort to maximise effect. It is based on logical responses to attacks, with special attention to the realistic needs of modern-day life.

Kokikai Aikido offers more than just an effective self-defense system. It is a way to learn to uncover hidden potential in each of us who trains. That potential may be physical, mental, social, spiritual, or something else altogether.

Ultimately, Kokikai is about living our lives better today than we did yesterday.