Names of days and months


월요일 Monday. 월 is a Sino-Korean element meaning ‘moon, month’

화요일 Tuesday. 화 is a Sino-Korean element meaning ‘fire’

수요일 Wednesday. 수 is a Sino-Korean element meaning ‘fire’

목요일 Thursday. 목 is a Sino-Korean element meaning ‘tree, wood’

금요일 Friday. 금 is a Sino-Korean element meaning ‘metal, gold’.

토요일 Saturday. 토 is a Sino-Korean element meaning ‘earth’.

일요일 Sunday. 일 is a Sino-Korean element meaning ‘sun, day’.


This is a simple system of ”one month” to “twelve month” but watch out for June where 육 has lost its ㄱ and October where 십 has lost its ㅂ:

일월 January

이월 February

삼월 March

사월 April

오월 May

유월 June

칠월 July

팔월 August

구월 September

시월 October

십일월 November

십이월 December