Working Papers

Publications (in English)

[19] Spatial pattern of aid allocation in the early 21st century: Evidence from 38 sub-Saharan African countries (with Huijoo Shon and Heerae Lee). Papers in Regional Science, Vol. 103, Issue 3, 100026 (2024). [Paper] (SSCI)

[18] The Impacts of Community-Driven Development Program in Conflict-Affected Regions: Evidence from Cambodia (with Jaehyun Jung and Taejong Kim). Asian International Studies Review, Vol. 25 (2024), pp. 59-83. [Paper] (Scopus) 

[17] Impact of microfinance on income generation: Evidence from a rural community-driven development program in Myanmar (with Jongwoo Chung). Journal of International Development, Vol. 36, No. 3 (2024), pp. 1866-1879. [Paper], [Data] (SSCI)

[16] Does the Small Business Program Benefit Self-Employed Workers? Evidence from Nicaragua (with Rony Rodríguez-Ramírez and Hee-Seung Yang). Journal of Development Effectiveness (2024) [Paper], [Data] (SSCI)

[15] Leaders Need to Be Led: Complementary Followership in the context of a Myanmar Community-driven Development Program (with Junesoo Lee and Jongwoo Chung). Asia Pacific Journal of Public Administration, Vol. 46, No. 2, pp. 159-183 (2024). [Paper] (Scopus)

[14] The Effect of Health Facility Births on Newborn Mortality in Malawi (with Dawoon Jung). International Journal of Health Economics and Management (2023). [Paper], [Data] (SSCI)

[13] The Effect of Health Service Quality on Health Facility Choice and Health Outcomes in Malawi (with Dawoon Jung). International Development and Cooperation Review, Vol. 14, No. 2 (2022), pp. 115-128. [Paper] (KCI)

[12] The Heterogeneous Relationship between Financial Literacy and Fund Investment Behaviors: Evidence from South Korea during the Financial Crisis (with Jongwoo Chung). Seoul Journal of Economics, Vol. 35, No. 2 (2022), pp.  159-186. [Paper], [Data] (Scopus)

[11] COVID-19 vaccine wastage in the midst of vaccine inequity: Causes, types, and practical steps (with Lazarus JV, Abdool-Karim S, van Selm L, et al). BMJ Global Health, Vol. 7, No. 4 (2022), e009010. [Paper] (SCIE, SSCI)

[10] Institutional and Behaviour Change Interventions to Support COVID-19 Public Health Measures (with the Lancet COVID-19 Commission Task Force for Public Health Measures to Suppress the Pandemic). International Health, Vol. 13, No. 5 (2021), pp. 399-409.[Paper] (SCIE, SSCI)

[9] Do Horizontal Teaching Practices Matter for Cooperation? (with Syngjoo Choi, Minseon Park, and Yoonsoo Park). Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Vol. 93 (2021), 101703. [Paper], [Online Appendices], [Data] (SSCI)

- Coverage: 연합뉴스, KDI Focus

[8] Double-edged Cohesion: Multidimensional Impacts of Community Governance’ Cohesion in Community-Driven Development (with Junesoo Lee and Jongwoo Chung). Community Development, Vol. 52, No. 4 (2021), pp. 486-504. [Paper] (Scopus) 

[7] How does Learner-Centered Education affect Teacher Self-Efficacy? The case of Project-Based Learning in Korea (with Junghee Choi and Ju-Ho Lee). Teaching and Teacher Education, Vol. 85 (2019), pp. 45-57 . [Paper], [Data] (SSCI)

[6] English program for North Korean refugee college students: What promotes and what hinders the students from achieving learning goals? (with Sunghee Shin, Shieun Yu, and Insook Kim). English Language & Literature Teaching, Vol. 25, No. 1 (2019), pp. 141-162 . [Paper] (KCI)

[5] Beyond Learning English: North Korean Refugee College Students’ Reflective Process on English Education (with Sunghee Shin). S/N Korean Humanities, Vol. 5, No. 1 (2019), pp. 137-154.  [Paper]

[4] How Learner-Centered Teaching is associated with Teacher Self-Efficacy and Job Satisfaction: Analysis of Data from 31 Countries (with Junghee Choi and Ju-Ho Lee). Journal of International Cooperation in Education, Vol.20・21, No. 2 (2018), pp. 63-79. [Paper], [Data], [Foreword

[3] The Role of Education Interventions in Improving Economic Rationality (with Hyuncheol Bryant Kim, Syngjoo Choi, and Cristian Pop-Eleches). Science, 362:6410 (2018)  pp. 83-86  [Paper], [Supplementary Materials], [Data], [AEA RCT Registry] (SCI)

- Coverage: EurekAlert, J-PAL, 매일경제, 연합뉴스

[2] Short-Term Impacts of a Cash Transfer Program for Girls' Education on Academic Outcomes: Evidence from a Randomized Evaluation in Malawian Secondary Schools. Seoul Journal of Economics, Vol. 29, No. 4 (2016), pp. 553-572. [Paper] (Scopus)

[1] A Beginner's Guide to Randomized Evaluations in Development Economics (with E Seul Choi). Seoul Journal of Economics, Vol. 29, No. 4 (2016), pp. 529-552 . [Paper] (Scopus)

Publications (in Korean)

[10] 최저주거기준 설정에 대한 비판적 고찰: 서울시 관악구 지·옥·고 사례를 중심으로 (조우리 공저). 국토계획 59권 3호 (2024).  [논문]

[9] 주거복지센터 민간위탁과 공공위탁 운영실태 비교분석: 서울시 사례를 중심으로 (윤난 공저). 도시연구 24호 (2023), pp. 215-255 [논문]

[8] 인공지능 기반 적응형 학습 프로그램 영향평가: 대구 중학교 무작위통제실험 사례를 중심으로 (박윤수, 신은철, 이주호 공저). 응용경제 24권 4호 (2022), pp. 5-25 [논문]

[7] 파키스탄 교사출석 모니터링 프로그램 영향평가: Khyber Pakhtunkhwa주 공립학교 사례를 중심으로  (Inayat Ullah 공저). 국제·지역연구 31권 1호 (2022), pp. 63-86 [논문]

[6] 북한이탈주민들의 미디어 이용과 사회자본: 신뢰도, 네트워크, 그리고 적응도 분석을 중심으로 (주재원, 정종우 공저).  한국언론학보 63권 4호 (2019), pp. 45-82  [논문

[5] 지역아동센터를 이용하는 학령초기 아동의 발달 특성에 따른 유형 분석과 영향요인 검증 (이보람, 박혜준, 김수정, 김태종 공저). 인간발달연구25권 3호 (2018), pp. 153-180 [논문

[4] 지역아동센터 종사자가 인식하는 이용아동의 발달특성과 운영현황 및 개선방안에 관한 고찰 (이보람, 김현정, 김태종, 박혜준 공저). 한국아동복지학 62호 (2018), pp. 165-205  [논문

[3] 금융소비자 금융이해력 연구:펀드투자자의 지식보정을 중심으로 (이태준, 손혜림 공저). 소비자문제연구 48권 2호 (2017), pp. 303-338 [논문

[2] 국제개발협력 거대담론으로부터의 탈출: 효과성 평가 방법론을 중심으로. 세계정치 24권 (2016), pp. 153-183. [논문]

[1] M-Survey를 이용한 모자보건 설문조사 효과성 분석 (이호철, 김도형, 남은우 공저). 국제·지역연구 25권 1호 (2016), pp. 171-198 [논문