Jaehyun Jung

Assistant Professor at the Ewha GSIS

Ph.D.  in Sustainable Development (2018), Columbia University 

Email: jjung6 [at] ewha [dot] ac [dot] kr



"Can Abortion Mitigate Transitory Shocks? Demographic Consequences under Son Preference

   at Journal of Human Resources, Published online before print, November 07, 2023, 0320-10808R3 

"Transboundary Air Pollution and Health: Evidence from East Asia"

   with Semee Yoon and Anna Choi at Environment and Development Economics, April 2022, 27(2), 120-144 

"Public Finance Responses to COVID-19 in Korea

   with Hwanwoong Lee and Kyung-ho Song at National Tax Journal, September 2020, 73(3), 879-900

Working papers

"Good Governance and Household Resilience to Natural Disasters: Evidence from Vietnam"

   with Sungha Jo, Hyelim Son, and Semee Yoon

"Marriage Migration, Value of Daughters, and Sex Selection in Vietnam"

   with So Yoon Ahn [draft available upon request]

"Male Circumcision, Peer Effects, and Risk Compensation "

   with Hyuncheol Bryant Kim, Booyuel Kim, and Cristian Pop-Eleches [AEA RCT Registry] [draft available upon request]

Work in progress

"Spray Less & Benefit More: The Short and Long Term Impacts of Pesticide Reductions In Vietnam" 

   with Eyal Frank and Fiona Burlig