The Online Me / Contact

The electronic Bogdan Voicu can be retrieved from various places. Here is a selection.

For contact, use the above pages or send an email to bogdan @


See my citations and H-index,

or follow the automatic updates of my publication list provided by Google Academic

View my profile on ... 

.... or on

If you know me from professional life, let's meet on LinkedIn.

If interested in my main long-run professional affiliation to a research group,

check the webpage of the Romanian Group for Studying Social Values.

.... and the site of the Romanian Election Studies

 ORCID and  ResearcherID provide lists of my ISI publications ...

My page on the ICCV website


Check my blog: Lumea …. asa cum nu o stim?.

(mostly in Romanian, but English posts are also available)

I publish from time to time in  Dilema veche (Romanian language weekly publication)

Check my travel reviews on TripAdvisor.

If you are among my friends, do not hesitate to use Facebook.