Consultancy contracts
- Consultant for GRADO and ANP (National Authority for Penitentiaries), as expert in social statistics for assessing the risk of recidivism and related risks (August 2015-May 2016)
- Consultant for UNICEF, contract In-depth Assessment of the social, health, and education status of children and their families in one county Tasks: baseline study, designing a complex assessment (surveys, interviews, administrative data), reporting. (March-December 2015)
- Consultant for UNICEF, contract Rapid Assessment of the social, health, and education status of children and their families in Bacău County Tas(September-December 2014)
- Coordinator sociologist expert, for CCSAS and EWB, within the project Developing the institutional capacity to provide public information services for the immigrated Romanian citizens [Dezvoltarea capacității instituționale de furnizare a serviciilor publice de informare a cetățenilor români migranți], contracted for the Romanian Ministry of Work and Social Protection. Tasks: design of a survey of Romanian migrants to 8 EU countries, data analysis, reporting, training public clerk. (October-December 2014)
- Expert for the European Commission’s Education, Audiovisual & Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Tasks: assessment of the Romanian pages of Eurypedia, and feedback for the Eurypedia project as a whole. (December 2012-April 2013)
- Expert in various projects of ARACIS and UEFISCDI supporting Romanian Ministry of Education in its attempt to propose an evidence-based ranking of the Romanian university sector. (March-October 2011)
- Senior expert for the project „Quality assurance in Romanian higher-education in European context. Developing the quality assurance management at systemic and institutional level” implemented by ARACIS (Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education). Tasks: coordination and research design for the quantitative research (three national representative surveys targeting undergraduate university students, university teachers, and employers), sampling for the first two surveys, data analysis, reporting. (January – October 2011)
- Expert for the project Professionalizing the teaching career – new competencies for education stakeholders in Dâmboviţa and Buzăucounties (POSDRU/87/1.3/S/62624), Dâmboviţa School Inspectorate. Task: research design (impact study), data analysis, reporting. (December 2010-March 2013).- Senior expert for the project „Sociologist on the Labor Market” (POSDRU/18/1.2/G/17293), University of Bucharest. Tasks: coordination and research design for the quantitative research (survey of the University of Bucharest graduates in Sociology between 1990 and 1998), coordination of data collecting, data analysis, reporting. (May 2010 – March 2011)
- Senior expert for the project „Quality assurance in Romanian higher-education in European context. Developing the quality assurance management at systemic and institutional level” implemented by ARACIS (Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education). Tasks: coordination and research design for the quantitative research (surveys of the Romanian rectors, vice-rectors and deans), coordination of the data collecting, data analysis, reporting; research design of other three national representative surveys targeting undergraduate university students, university teachers, and employers, sampling for the first two surveys, data analysis, reporting. (April – Ocromber 2010)
- Senior expert for the project Sociological study on the relation between higher education qualifications and the demand of the labor market, carried out by ACPART (National Agency for Higher Education Qualifications and Partnership with the Socio-Economic Environment) and financed by the EU and Romanian Government, through ESF-POSDRU. (October 2009-September 2010). Tasks: research design (three surveys: university graduates, employers, recruiting agencies), data analysis, reporting.
- Senior expert for the project PREZENT! Stimulating participation to lifelong learning of the employees at risk: informing, awareness, and access to quality lifelong learning, carried out by the Institute of Education Science, and financed by the EU and Romanian Government, through ESF-POSDRU, January-May 2010. Tasks: contribution to research design (surveys of employees at risk and of their employers), data analysis, reporting.
- Senior expert for the project “Dropout and Continuation rates from lower to upper secondary, in small towns”, CEDU 2000+/UNICEF, August-November 2009. Tasks: coordination, research design, data analysis (20 case studies), reporting, policy recommendations.
- Senior expert for the project “Quality and Leadership in Higher Education”, UEFISCSU. Tasks: policy and data analysis. (July-November 2009)
- Senior expert for the project „Quality assurance in Romanian higher-education in European context. Developing the quality assurance management at systemic and institutional level” implemented by ARACIS (Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education). Tasks: coordination and research design for the quantitative research (surveys of the Romanian rectors, vice-rectors and deans), coordination of the data collecting, data analysis, reporting; research design of other three national representative surveys targeting undergraduate university students, university teachers, and employers, sampling for the first two surveys, data analysis, reporting.(April – September 2009)
- Senior expert for the project Active adaptation of university education to the labor market demands, implemented by CEDU 2000+ at the ARACIS request. Tasks: coordination and research design for the quantitative research (surveys of the Romanian employers and recent university graduates from four fields – Law, Mechanical Engineering, IT, Communication Science), coordination of the data collecting, data analysis, reporting.. (January – July 2009)
- Senior expert for the project Doctoral Studies in Romania. Organizing the doctoral Schools implemented by CNCSIS/UEFISCSU (National Commission for University Research). Tasks: coordination and research design for the quantitative research (surveys of the Romanian rectors, vice-rectors and deans), coordination of the data collecting, data analysis, reporting. (January – May 2009)
- Member of the Presidential Commission for Analyzing Social and Demographic Risks in Romania (January – June 2009).
- August 2008 – June 2009. Expert in the project Technical Assistance to Support The National Centre For Staff Training in Pre-University Education (NCPTE), developed by WYG International on the behalf of NCPTE. Tasks: designing the impact studies for training courses, data analysis, reporting.
- June-December 2008. Expert in the project The transition and the completion rates by education levels. School level’s Perspective, implemented by CEDU 2000+ at the request of the Romanian Ministry of Education, within the framework of the Rural Education Project. Tasks: research design, data analysis, reporting.
- January-June 2007: Member of the project team „Educational policies in higher education”, Open Society Foundation, Bucharest. Tasks: research design, data analysis, reporting. Assessing the state of the Romanian higher education system by surveying the opinions of university staff and students.
- 2006-2007: Member (representing the European University Association) in the Bologna Follow Up Group workgroup on data collection for the social dimension of the Bologna process to create the European Higher Education Area
- August-November 2006: Culture and housing in the Rahova-Uranus neighborhood, leading consultant, British Council (Bucharest).
- September-December 2005: member of the „Rural Eurobarometer” jury, Open Society Foundation. Tasks: coordination, research design, analyzing the survey data, reporting.
- July-November 2005: expert for the project „Private Higher Education in Europe and Quality Assurance and Accreditation from the Perspective of the Bologna Process Objectives”, Designed and implemented by UNESCO-CEPES in collaboration with “Leon Koźmiński” Academy of Entrepreneurship and Management (LKAEM) and The World Bank. Tasks: coordination of data collection (survey of private universities in 12 European countries), analyzing the survey data, reporting.
- 2005: EC delegation in Bucharest evaluator for the “Satul românesc, sat european” contest.
- 2005: EC delegation in Bucharest consultant as expert in European Values, via DC Communication (Bucharest).
- December 2004-March 2005: Open Society Foundation consultant for “Unifying the databases of the Public Opinion Barometer 1998-2004”.
- April-June 2004: World Bank consultant for the “Knowledge Divide” project.
- January-May 2004: CEB (Council of Europe Development Bank) consultant, via TRANSTEC Bruxelles, as expert in socio-economic assessment for the project „Ex Post Evaluation in Romania: Natural Disaster and Prevention Project”
- since July 2003: evaluator for INTAS projects (EU)
- November-December 2002, February 2003: World Bank consultant as social assessment expert for the Romania Afforestation of Degraded Agricultural Land Project
- October 2002: “Advanced social statistics” – lectures for GfK.
- February – July 2002: World Bank consultant for the Romanian “Education Policy Note”
- November 2001-March 2002: Member of the Local Consultants Core Team for the project “Institutional Support to the Poverty Commission”, financed by the Department for International Development (DFID) of United Kingdom (via Birks Sinclair & Associates Ltd.)
- November-December 2001: “Advanced social statistics” – lectures for CONNEX Department of market segmentation
- May-October 2001: World Bank consultant as team member within the project „Social Sector Development Project. Technical Assistance to Government Anti‑Poverty Commission”
- April-June 2001: team member in the project “The new curriculum impact in mandatory education”, realized by Center Education 2000+, National Council for Curriculum, Romanian Ministry of Education and UNESCO
- January – May 2001: team member in the project “Poverty Overcoming Strategies”, contracted by ICCV for UNDP
- December 2000 – February 2001: coordinator of the project “Feasibility Study on the continuation and extension of the structural reform of the Vocational Education and Training (VET) within the Educational System of România. The present situation and sector policy recommendations”, component of a larger project of National Observatory Romania (NOR) and European Training Foundation (ETF)
- January - March 2000: team member in the project “Early Warning Report – Romania” (financed by UNDP and the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
- October - November 1999: USAID and Urban Institute New York consultant as ”Housing Market Specialist”
- August 1999 - September 2000: consultant on “Revitalization of rural education”, project of the Institute for Educational Sciences and the Romanian Ministry of Education
- October 1998 - May 1999: World Bank consultant on „Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Romanian Pre‑University Educational System"
- September-October 1998: „Expert on Social Policy and Institutional Strengthening" at UNDP-Poverty Alleviation Project, Phase II, Bucharest
- December 1997: consultant for the Foundation for Developing the Civil Society as expert on social statistics and sampling