Garden Work Sessions

About the Work Sessions

The success and health of the BCG depends on the cooperative efforts of all gardeners being fully involved in the BCG community throughout the garden year. Accordingly, all BCG gardeners are required to participate in at least 6 hours of community work sessions. The work session requirement is defined as participation in at least three work sessions of 2 hours each per plot rental, regardless of plot size. Accommodations and substitutions can be made with the approval of the Garden Committee.

In addition to the 6 hours of community work sessions, every gardener is required to attend a "best practices" sessions announced each year or complete an online video and quiz. First year gardeners must also attend the opening day general orientation session.

The full description of the rules and requirements for work sessions can be found here. Links to the 2024 calendar and the Sign Up Genius for all forthcoming work sessions can be found in the monthly BCG newsletter published the first of every month from April - October.