Our badges and awards are part of what makes us Scouts. And Scouts love earning them!
Animal lover – check. Book worm – check. Photographer – check. Footballer – check. Daredevil – check. You name it, we’ve got a badge for it – over 200 of them actually. Scouts work together on badges at their weekly meetings, away at camps and events or at home. Badges are easy to earn and you don’t need anyone special to sign them off.
There’s never any pressure to do badges. Scouts can do as many or as few as they like. But for those up for a challenge, there are loads of exciting badges to aim for, such as the Chief Scout’s Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards – these are the highest awards that Beavers, Cubs and Scouts can earn. And for those going even further, the Queen’s Scout Award is the top achievement for young people in Scouts.
Find a badge
What badge do you want to do? You can do badges at home, as well as at Scouts.
Where do badges go?
Group name tape
District Badge
County Badge
Group badge (if not warn on scarf)
Leadership stripe
Union Flag
Gallantry/ Meritorious Conduct awards
Chief Scout’s Award
Challenge Awards
Occasional Badge
Joining in Awards
Membership Awards
Activity Badges and Staged Activity Badges
Group Badge (if worn on scarf)
Group name tape
District badge
County badge
Group badge (if not warn on scarf)
Leadership stripe
Union Flag
Gallantry/ Meritorious Conduct Awards
Chief Scout’s Award
Challenge Awards
Occasional Badges
Moving On Award
Joining In Awards
Membership Award
Activity and Staged Activity Badges
Group badge (if worn on scarf)
Group name tape
District Badge
County/ Area/ Region Badge
Group badge (if not warn on scarf)
Patrol Badge
Leadership stripe
Union Flag
Group Name tape
Chief Scout’s Award
Challenge Awards
Occasional Badges
Moving On Award
Joining In Awards
Membership Award
Activity and Staged Activity Badges
Group badge (if worn on scarf
Network name tape
District Badge
County Badge
Local Network badge (if not warn on scarf)
Union Flag
Network Flag
Young Leader Service Award
Gallantry/ Meritorious Conduct Award
Chief Scout’s Award or Queen’s Scout Award
(the highest gained should be worn)N/A
Occasional Badges
Moving on Award
Membership Award
Scouts of the World Award
Explorer Belt Award
First Aid and Saving of Life
Local Network Badge (if worn on scarf)