SK-RO 0016-12

2013 – 2014

Cooperative project – Slovakia, project SK-RO 0016-12, contract 651/2013, title: Investigation of the amyloidogenic proteins in relationship with their cytotoxic effect, co-PI: Dr. Zuzana GAZOVA


ISI papers

1. Mocanu MM, Ganea C, Siposova K, Filippi A, Demjen E, Marek J, Bednarikova Z, Antosova A, Baran I, Gazova Z, Polymorphism of HEW lysozyme amyloid fibrils influences the cytotoxicity in LLC-PK1 epithelial kidney cells, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2014, IF: 2.596 (sc: 0.652)

National and international communications

1. M.-M. Mocanu, C. Ganea, K. Siposova, E. Demjen, J. Marek, Z. Bednarikova, M.-M. Iordache, T. Savopol, A. Antosova, Z. Gazova, Differential cytotoxic effect in response to polymorphism of amyloid fibrils, IUPAB, August 3 – 7, 2014, Brisbane, Australia

2. Mocanu MM, Ganea C, Siposova K, Filippi A, Radu E, Demjen E, Marek J, Bednarikova Z, Antosova A, Gazova Z, Distinct fibrils morphology induces different cytotoxicity in renal cells 8th International Conference "Structure and Stability of Biomacromolecules" (SSB 2013), September 10-13, 2013, Kosice, Slovakia, Book of contributions, ISBN: 978-80-89656-01-1, pg. 111-112, poster.

3. Gazova Z, Siposova K, Filippi A, Demjen E, Marek J, Ganea C, Mocanu MM, Polymorphism of lysozyme amyloid fibrils and cell viability, poster, 9th European Biophysics Congress (EBSA2013), July 13-17, 2013 Lisbon, Portugal

4. Z. Gazova, K. Siposova, M. Koneracka, V. Zavisova, A. Filippi, D. Ionescu, P. Kopcansky and M. M. Mocanu, Anti-amyloid effect of magnetic fluid in vitro and in cells, poster, 13th International Conference on Magnetic Fluid, 7-11 Ianuarie 2013, New Dehli, India