SK-RO 0012-10

2011 – 2012: Cooperative project – Slovakia, project SK-RO 0012-10, contract 467/2011, title: Investigation of the lysozyme amyloid aggregates using in vitro technique and evaluation of their effect on viability and cell proliferation, co-PI: Dr. Zuzana GAZOVA


National and international communications:

1. Gazova Z., Siposova K., Koneracka M., Zavisova V., Kopcansky P., Filippi A., Ganea C., Baran I., Mocanu M.M., Magnetic fluids attenuate the cytotoxic effect of amyloid fibrils, poster, 22nd IUBMB & 37th FEBS Congress, September 4th - 9th, 2012, Sevilia, Spania

2. K. Siposova, M. M. Mocanu, M. Muckova, J. Lazova, C. Ganea, I. Baran, Z. Gazova, Magnetic fluid reverses inhibition of cell growing caused by protein amyloid fibrils, 9th International Conference on the Scientific and Clinical Applications of Magnetic Carriers, May 22-26, 2012, Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S.A.

3. M. M. Mocanu, K. Siposova, C. Ganea, I. Baran, A. Antosova, Z. Gazova, Protective role of nanoparticles against cytotoxic effect induced by amyloid fibrils, XXIII Biochemical Congress, August 26-29, 2012, Brno, Czech Republic

4. Mocanu M.M., Ganea C., Siposova K., Baran I., Katona E., Gheorghiu M., Anotosova A., Gazova Z., Lysozyme amyloid fibrils inhibit the growing of LLC-PK1 renal cells, 7th International Conference “Structure and Stability of Biomacromolecules”, Kosice, Slovakia, September 6 – 9, 2011.

5. Siposova K., Mukova M., Lazova J., Mocanu M.M., Ganea C., Anotosova A., Gazova Z., Cell viability in the presence of lysozyme amyloid fibrils and magnetic fluids, 7th International Conference “Structure and Stability of Biomacromolecules”, Kosice, Slovakia, September 6 – 9, 2011.

6. Filippi , K. Siposova , A. Nedelcu , C. Ursaciuc , M. Surcel , A. Antosova , Z. Gazova, M.M. Mocanu, Lysozyme Amyloid Fibrils Induce Apoptosis on Renal LLC-PK1 Cells, al 8-lea Congres Național de Citometrie, 2011, poster, rezumat publicat în revista Documenta Haematologica, vol. XXVII, Nr. 1-2, 2012, pg. 14-15.

Young researchers (Bachelor thesis) – co-tutor Prof. Constanța Ganea:

1. Cytotoxic effect of amyloid fibrils on renal cells – Alexandru Filippi, MD student, ”Carol Davila” Univ. of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest

Submission of new research projects:

1. Investigation of the amyloidogenic proteins in relationship with their citotoxic effect, Cooperative project – Slovakia