*([Download]) For the Shabbat Table EPub/PDF by Chaim Wilschanski

9Tru0nOk5640 - Read and download Chaim Wilschanski's book For the Shabbat Table in PDF, EPub, Mobi, Kindle online. Free book For the Shabbat Table by Chaim Wilschanski.

For the Shabbat Table

by Chaim Wilschanski

Synopsis: For the Shabbat Table is an in-depth study of the weekly Torah portions and holidays. They are taken from the treasury of the Torah, Talmud, Midrash, as well as from the writings of famous commentators. The author's explanations are incorporated throughout. Rabbi Chaim Wilschanski was a student of the Frankfurt and Gateshead Kollel HaRabanim, headed by the renowned Rabbi Dessler, zl. He was the founder and Rabbi of the Hampstead Garden suburb Beth HaMidrash, London.