John 4:43-54

Possible Titles:-

“Why do we fall sick?”, "POWER in God's Word", ...

    • Investigate:- “Why do we fall sick?”

    • By “worldly standards” (power / wealth), this guy may have been a big shot - an official attached to Herod’s court. A “so-called” very powerful man had to come to his knees (No one - rich or poor - is exempt from sickness, pain, death). He acted wise (realizing despite all his wealth and power he still needed Jesus very badly). No matter how hopeless a circumstance may seem to be, there is unfailing redemptive hope for all (sick or dying) in Jesus.

    • There is POWER in the WORD OF GOD (John 4:53). Same power that brought the universe into existence (Hebrews 11:3). Same power that raises dead (John 11:43). So be thankful and reverent of the Scriptures. God’s Word is still as powerful - so keep claiming them in your life (I am not referring to the erroneous health-wealth Gospel).

    • “Is there a sickness you are seeking healing from?”