Math 1 (9th grade)


The available reviews are listed below. Either click on the link to view the review or downloadable links available at the bottom of the page. (If you want another copy of the modules go here.)

A note about the reviews: they are by no means complete. Their goal is to give an overview of the things you learned in a way that ties the pieces together. You can read them at the beginning of a new module, in the middle, or at the end and ideally the reviews will be helpful at each of these moments. Typically, by the end of the module, you'll have explored the details in class and homework with examples, projects, and doing various problems. These reviews are meant to give you a solid view of the main important ideas that will allow you to see where all the pieces belong.

Examples and Some Notes:

Some module by module handwritten notes with worked problems.

What you are expected to know before starting Math 1

Module 1

Module 2

Module 3

Module 4

Module 5

Module 6

Module 7

Module 8

Module 9

Visual Review Map (only 2nd semester):

For a single visual picture of most of the topics you've learned in a given semester, click on the link below.

Suggestions on how to use these:

-To feel good about yourself in terms of how many different things you've learned this semester (even if you are still confused about some stuff, you've learned a lot).

-To see the big picture and the connections between the different pieces of math you've learned.

-To help with studying-- identifying what ideas you've reviewed well and what others you may need to look at again.

Second Semester Review Map