Virginia State Flags

What Does The Virginia State Flag Look Like?

Virginia's state flag happily shows the Great Seal of the Commonwealth of Virginia centered on a rich blue field with a white border. The seal depicts Virtus, the genius of the Commonwealth, worn a toga, holding a spear in her right-hand man and in her left a sheathed sword. Virtus triumphantly puts her left foot on the chest of Tyranny, represented by a male who lies defeated on the ground. Tyranny holds a piece of chain in his left hand and a scourge, or whip, in his right-hand man. On the ground next to Tyranny lays his fallen crown.

At the top, around the edge is the word "Virginia" and wrapping around the bottom is Virginia's state motto, "Sic Semper Tyrannis".

The Virginia state flag was specifically developed to look absolutely nothing like a coat of arms as this was the typical practice in Great Britain at the time. Rather, they chose to base the flag and state seal on the Roman Republic, whom the Virginia legislature admired.

What Is The Significance Of The Virginia State Flag?

Virginia's flag and state seal represent the victory of great over wicked, the structure upon which the state stands. Virginia's state slogan, "Sic Semper Tyrannis", appears on the flag. This Latin phrase equates to "therefore constantly to tyrants". This phrase means that autocrats will always attempt taking power and that Virginia prides itself on conquering them. The 2 figures showed highlight this idea. The Latin expression is frequently misattributed to Marcus Junius Brutus during the death of Julius Caesar. The phrase was actually created much later. Dating back to prior to the civil war, some have actually joked that "Sic Semper Tyrannis" indicates "leave my neck."

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What Does Virginia State Flag Represent?

Virginia state flags include a dark blue field with the obverse side of the state's seal in the center. The state seal features a representation of virtue standing over a dead guy who is worn a purple Roman outfit. The words "Sic Semper Tyrannis" are composed below the body.

The seal's design draws heavily on classical images from the Roman Republic. The choice to base the design on Roman images was made in order to distance the state's emblem from the conventional heraldry of the British crown. The lady on the seal is a symbol of liberty and virtue, while the man is a symbol of tyranny. His purple clothes stresses the meaning due to the fact that it was a sign of royalty and power in the days of Rome. The accomplishment of virtue over liberty shows America's independence from British rule. "Sic Semper Tyrannis" is a Latin phrase that suggests "Thus constantly to tyrants" and is typically associated with the assassination of Julius Caesar during the last days of the Roman Republic.

How To Fold Virginia State Flag?

Fold the flag in half width-wise twice, to form a long rectangle. Make a triangular fold, beginning from the part of the flag that is outermost far from the hoist and folding the closed corner of the flag towards the open corner. Fold the triangle back to create a brand-new horizontal edge, then duplicate the procedure, folding one triangle after another till the entire length of the flag has been folded back and only a small rectangular tab stays. Tuck the rectangular tab inside the folds to keep the flag from unraveling.

How To Dispose Of Virginia State Flag?

If the flag Virginia state flag is no longer appropriate for display, get rid of it correctly, ideally in a ritualistic burning. American Legion posts and other experienced groups frequently have flag-disposal events.

Who Is The Female On The Virginia State Flag?

The masculine stance leads people to think at first glimpse that the figure is a guy however it is, in reality, a representation of the Roman goddess Virtus. In Ancient Rome the Goddess Virtus was generally illustrated carrying a sword and a spear and using a helmet and she signified character, worth, and guts. Virtus was the goddess of bravery and military strength and represents the spirit of the citizens of the Commonwealth of Virginia. In this depiction she continues to carry a sword and spear and has actually plainly been victorious in fight versus the male lying at her feet. The beat guy signifies tyranny and is visualized with a damaged chain in his left hand, a scourge in his right-hand man suggesting his power has actually been overcome The beat guy symbolizes tyranny and is pictured with a damaged chain in his left hand, a scourge in his right hand indicating his power has actually been overcome The purple toga worn by Tyranny represents the color used by the Roman Emperors who toppled the Roman Republic The now useless whip in Tyranny's right-hand man represents Virginia's release from the British acts of chastisement such as the Intolerable Acts. A picture of a fallen crown lies neighboring which graphically signifies completion of the sovereignty of Great Britain following the American victory in the War of Independence The Latin motto of Virginia 'Sic Semper Tyrannis' implying "Thus Always to Tyrants"), highlights the strong, uncompromising message of the early patriots of Virginia The image is surrounded by a border design of Virginia climber.

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Who Created The Virginia State Flag?

The names of the designers of the main seal were George Mason, George Wythe, Richard Henry Lee, and Robert Carter Nicholas.

The seal on the VA state flag was developed in 1776 at roughly the same time that the Declaration of Independence was released. It was first utilized on a state flag of Virginia in 1861, when the state of Virginia succeeded from the Union and joined the Confederate States of America. The initial depiction of the seal was simpler than the existing kind, but the styles are basically comparable to each other. The initial style was loosely defined when it was very first passed, so flags frequently revealed a high degree of difference. The style was standardized and defined in higher detail in 1950, which developed the contemporary state flag of Virginia.

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