Christian Flags

Does the Christian Flag have a song, and if so, what are the lyrics?

Yes, the Christian Flag does have a song. It is named “The Christian Flag”, written by Fanny Crosby in 1903. Fanny was blind from near birth, yet wrote over 9,000 hymns, some of which are still popular in every Christian denomination. The words to Crosby’s Christian Flag are as follows:

The Christian Flag! behold it,

And hail it with a song,

And let the voice of millions

The joyful strain prolong,

To every clime and nation,

We send it forth today;

God speed its glorious mission,

With earnest hearts we pray.

The Christian Flag! unfurl it,

That all the world may see

The bloodstained cross of Jesus,

Who died to make us free.

The Christian Flag! unfurl it,

And o’er and o’er again,

Oh! May it bear the message,

Good will and peace to men.

The Christian Flag! God bless it!

Now throw it to the breeze,

And may it wave triumphant

O’er land and distant seas,

Till all the wide creation

Upon its folds shall gaze,

And all the world united,

Our loving Savior praise.


The Christian Flag! behold it,

And hail it with a song,

And let the voice of millions

The joyful strain prolong.

How is the Christian Flag supposed to be folded?

You will need two people to fold your Christian Flag, and as with any flag, you should not let the flag touch the ground. If an accident happens, and it touches the ground, you do not need to destroy it. If it gets dirty, please clean the flag per its’ cleaning instructions.

To fold your Christian flag: Fold the flag in half width-wise twice, to form a long rectangle. Make a triangular fold, beginning from the part of the flag that is furthest away from the hoist, and folding the closed corner of the flag toward the open corner. Fold the triangle back to create a new horizontal edge, then repeat the process, folding one triangle after another until the entire length of the flag has been folded back and only a small rectangular tab remains. Tuck the rectangular tab inside the folds to keep the flag from unraveling.

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What are the rules for flying a Christian flag and how is it to be flown with an American flag?

When flying the Christian flag with the American Flag on the same flag pole, the American flag must always be above the Christian Flag, even when the American Flag is ordered to fly at half-staff. The Christian flag should be the same size or smaller than the American flag with which it is flying. The only exception to this, is that ships of the U.S. Navy and the British Royal Navy may fly the Christian flag above their country’s flag during church services conducted by a Naval chaplain for Navy personnel. The neutrality implication of the Christian flag signifies that the ship, when flying the flag, is considered non-combatant.

When these two flags are flown on separate poles, the Christian flag will be to the right of the American flag, situating the American flag in the position of honor, which is to the observer’s left of other flags.

When the Christian flag is displayed from a staff in a church or auditorium, the American flag should hold the position of superior prominence, in advance of the audience, and in the position of honor at the clergyman’s, or speaker’s right as he faces the audience or congregation. Any other flag so displayed should be placed on the left of the clergyman or speaker, and to the right of the audience or congregation. The Christian flag dips only to the cross and never to any other flag.

Who wrote the pledge to the Christian flag?

The pledge to the Christian flag was written in 1908 by Lynn Harold Hough, a Methodist minister. Over time others created alternative versions of Hough’s original pledge, all of which are modeled after the United States flag pledge. This is Hough’s original pledge to the Christian flag: “I pledge allegiance to my flag, and the Savior for whose kingdom it stands; one brotherhood, uniting all mankind in service and love.”

Is the Christian Flag associated with a certain denomination?

The Christian flag is a symbol and testament to all of Christianity and unified body of practicing Christians. It represents all of Christianity and Christendom and is not associated with any one denomination but encompasses many denominations. It is one of the oldest unchanged and uncontrolled flags in the world. It belongs to all yet is owned by none, so it has no earthly bonds. Christ and Christ alone is its master. Some denominations have a denominational flag in addition to their Christian flag.

How long has the Christian Flag been flying?

In September 1997 the Christian flag celebrated its 100th anniversary.

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Who adopted the Christian flag?

The Federal Council of Churches, now succeeded by the National Council of Churches and Christian Churches Together, adopted the Christian flag on January 23, 1942. The National Council of Churches represents Anglican, Baptist, Brethren, Eastern Orthodox, Mennonite, Methodist, Moravian, Lutheran, Oriental Orthodox, Presbyterian, Quaker and Reformed traditions, among others. The Christian Flag intentionally has no patent, as the designer dedicated the flag to all of Christendom.

Where has the Christian Flag been flown all these years?

Several Protestant denominations in the United States accepted and flew the flag first, and by the 1980s many were displaying it inside churches. During World War II the Christian flag was flown with the American Flag in many Lutheran churches, several with German backgrounds, who wanted to show their support of the United States during the war against Nazi Germany. Some Protestant missionaries took the Christian Flag with them on their missionary journeys, thus spreading the Christian Flag outside North America. It can be seen today in and outside many churches throughout the world, also in Latin America and Africa. It has also been adopted by some churches in Europe and Asia. Eastern Orthodox, especially those in the Western Rite tradition, have only recently started to use the flag.

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