Rachid Benmokhtar

SW Team Leader - Automated Driving




34 rue Saint André - 93000 Bobigny

Professional email : rachid.benmokhtar@valeo.com

Personal email: rachid.benmokhtar@gmail.com


Short Bio

I have received the engineering degree in 2004 from USTHB University of Algiers-Algeria, and the Master diploma in June 2005 from University of technology of Compiègne, France. In October 2005, I joined the Multimedia Communications department at Eurecom to study toward the Ph.D. degree under the supervision of Benoit Huet. I defended my PhD thesis in June 2009, with a Very Honorable mention.

I present more then 10 years of experience in the image processing, computer vision machine learning fileds :

  • Four years (2009-2013) where I worked as an expert research engineer at INRIA under the Quaero project.
  • Between 2014-2015, I joined ARCURE project of the CEA LIST of Saclay as computer vision researcher/ engineer.
  • Since September 2015, I am "Project SW Team Leader" in the Driving Assistance Research (DAR) group of VALEO.

Research activities

My AD research interests include:

  • Mulisensor 360° obstacle fusion
  • Multisensor ego and adjacent lanes fusion + road geometry estimation for lateral control
  • Virtual Lanes
  • Surround view cameras-based obstacle and line marking detection
  • Safety concept oriented Object fusion and Lane fusion
  • Tracking