Data Analysis for Business, Economics, and Policy

Cambridge University Press, May 2021

Gábor Békés (Central European University and CEPR)  and Gábor Kézdi (University of Michigan) 

Short description

Data Analysis for Business, Economics, and Policy

by Gábor Békés (Central European University, Austria and CEPR, UK) and Gábor Kézdi (ISR, University of Michigan, USA) 

Cambridge University Press, 744 pages, publication date: 6 May, 2021. Paperback, Hardcover, e-book



This textbook provides future data analysts with the tools, methods, and skills needed to answer data-focused, real-life questions; to carry out data analysis; and to visualize and interpret results to support better decisions in business, economics, and public policy. Data wrangling and exploration, regression analysis, machine learning, and causal analysis are comprehensively covered, as well as when, why, and how the methods work, and how they relate to each other. As the most effective way to communicate data analysis, running case studies play a central role in this textbook. Each case starts with an industry-relevant question and answers it by using real-world data and applying the tools and methods covered in the textbook. Learning is then consolidated by 360 practice questions and 120 data exercises. Extensive online resources, including raw and cleaned data and codes for all analysis in Stata, R, and Python, can be found at 


This exciting new text covers everything today’s aspiring data scientist needs to know, managing to be comprehensive as well as accessible. Like a good confidence interval, the Gabors have got you almost completely covered!” -- Joshua Angrist (MIT). 

[READ MORE ENDORSEMENTS by D. Card, A. Cairo, N. Bloom, K. Charles, B. Javorcik, J. Van Reenen and more]



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Presentation:                            Webinar 2021 March slides. Video recording.

Resources for instructors:        Teaching guide, summaries . Solutions, slides at CUP

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