Papers & publications

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Publications in refereed journals

Into the Unknown: The Extent and Boldness of Firms’ International Footprint (with Davide Catellani, Balázs Muraközy and Gabriel Benito), Global Strategy Journal ( August 2021,  Volume11, Issue 3, Pages 468-493) Open access.  Strat. Management Soc. blog post

Machine imports, technology adoption and local spillovers (with Péter Harasztosi), Review of World Economics (May 2020 Volume 156, 343–375 ), DOI) CEPR Discussion Paper DP13623 (2019 March), VOXEU column

The ladder of internationalization modes: Evidence from European firms (with Balázs Muraközy), Review of World Economics (August 2018, Volume 154, Issue 3, pp 455–491) and CEPR Discussion Paper DP12693, VOXEU column

Grid and shake: Spatial aggregation and the robustness of regionally estimated elasticities (with Péter Harasztosi), The Annals of Regional Science  2018  60(1), 143-170 

Shipment frequency of exporters and demand uncertainty: An inventory management approach  (with Lionel Fontagné, Balázs Muraközy and Vincent Vicard), Review of World Economics November 2017, Volume 153, Issue 4, pp 779–807. Earlier version: CEPR Discussion Paper DP11013 

Measuring productivity premia with many modes of internationalization (with Balázs Muraközy), Economics Letters, Volume 139, February 2016, Pages 61–64

Internationalization and Innovation of Firms: Evidence and Policy (with Tommaso Aquilante, Carlo Altomonte and Gianmarco I.P. Ottaviano), Economic Policy, October 2013 pp. 663–700 [Also CEP SP 032] VOXEU column

Agglomeration Premium and Trading Activity of Firms (with Péter Harasztosi), Regional Science and Urban Economics  Vol 43. No.1. (2013) 51–64 [pre-publication version:  CeFiG Working Papers, no. 11]

Temporary Trade and Heterogenous Firms  (with Balázs Muraközy), Journal of International Economics Vol. 87. No. 2. 2012. 232-246.   (earlier version) [VOXEU column]

Firms and products in international trade: Evidence from Hungary (with Balázs Muraközy and Péter Harasztosi), Economic Systems Vol. 35. No. 1. 2011. 4-24.

Spillovers from multinationals to Heterogeneous Domestic firms: Evidence from Hungary (with Jörn Kleinert and Farid Toubal), The World Economy Vol. 32. No. 10. 2009. 1408-1433.

Publications beyond economics

Comorbidity clusters in generalized osteoarthritis among female patients: A cross-sectional study (with E. Kaposi, P. Balint et al)  Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism (2020) Volume 50, Issue 2, April 2020, Pages 183-191 

A patient-derived and patient-reported outcome measure for assessing psoriatic arthritis: elaboration and preliminary validation of the Psoriatic Arthritis Impact of Disease (PsAID) questionnaire, a 13-country EULAR initiative. (with L. Gossec, TK Kvien and others ), Annals of Rheumatic Disease 2014 Jun;73(6):1012-9. doi: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2014-205207.

NEW: My textbook "Data Analysis for Business, Economics and Policy:  with Gábor Kézdi  was published by Cambridge University Press in May 2021.  For more see the gabors-data-analysis website.

Work in progress I: Globalization and supply chains

Work in progress II: Organizations 

Work in progress III: Applied econometrics 

Books, book chapters

Measuring competitiveness in Europe: resource allocation, granularity and trade (editor, with Carlo Altomonte), Bruegel, Brussels, January 2016 

Measuring competitiveness in a granular and global world (with Carlo Altomonte) in Altomonte, C. and G. Békés (2016) Measuring competitiveness in Europe: resource allocation, granularity and trade pp 3-13

Micro-founded measurement of regional competitiveness in Europe (with Gianmarco I.P. Ottaviano),  in Altomonte, C. and G. Békés (2016) Measuring competitiveness in Europe: resource allocation, granularity and trade pp26-46

Barriers to data access and matching in Europe (with Zsuzsa Holler) in Davide Castellani and Andreas Koch “Mapping competitiveness with European, data”, 2015, Bruegel Bluprint Series #23, Bruegel, Brussels

Still standing: how European firms weathered the crisis - (with M. Koren, B. Muraközy, L. Halpern) December 2011, Bruegel Bluprint Series #15, Bruegel, Brussels

Motives of corporate location choice (in Hungarian, in English), Chapter 2.1 in The Hungarian labour market, 2004 : Review and analysis / ed. by K. Fazekas, J. Koltay and Zs. Cseres-Gergely. - Bp. : MTA KTI, 2004.

Resting projects 

Gender differences in entrepreneurial choices (with Anna May and Aniko Hannak)

Auto suppliers (with Balázs Muraközy)

Floods, amenities and house prices (with Áron Horváth and Zoltán Sápi) MTA KTI Discussion Paper 2016

Trade Complexity and Productivity  (with Carlo Altomonte)  CeFiG Working Papers, no. 12, October 2010 (NEW VERSION

Location of manufacturing FDI in Hungary: How important are inter-company relationships?  Magyar Nemzeti Bank Working Paper, 2005 December, WP 2005/7. new version, available on request

Non-technical posts

Technology adoption via machine imports: Identifying who learns from peers (with Péter Harasztosi), VOXEU column, 30 September 2019

The ladder of internationalization modes (with Balázs Muraküzy), VOXEU column, 28 March 2018

The Knowns and Unknowns of the European Competitiveness Debate (with Carlo Altomonte ) Roubini EconoMonitor,  April 27, 2016 

Internationalisation and innovation of firms: Give them one roof (with Altomonte, Aquilante and Ottaviano) VOXEU column , 21 March 2014

Restarting growth - Why institutions matter for Hungarian companies,  (19 October 2012)

Temporary trade: exporting only once in a while (with Balázs Muraközy), VOXEU column 20 September 2012

Still Standing: Global crisis and European Firms (with Koren, Halpern, Muraközy) VOXEU column 18 May 2012

Trading ain’t easy: How complex is it to trade goods? (with Carlo Altomonte), VOXEU column(19 November 2010)

Trade collapse during the 2009 crisis: How did European companies fare?, Presentation at seminar DG Trade of the European Commission, 2011 Budapest

Financial crisis: from global to local, Budapest Times, Monday, 13 October 2008

Policy reports

HUNGARY – How did exporting firms cope with the crisis? - EFIGE Country Report: Hungary, February 2011 (with Miklos Koren, Laszlo Halpern and Balázs Muraközy)

Internationalisation of corporate activity and competitiveness of the European economy: some policy implications (with Carlo Altomonte), Micro-Dyn WP 6/2011 

Agglomeration Premium and Trading Activity of Firms –A discussion, (with Peter Harasztosi), 3rd MICRO-DYN NEWSLETTER (September 2010)

Hungary and the Euro: Waitingfor Godot in Economic and Political Challenges of Acceding to the Euro area in the post-Lehman Brothers’ World, Open Society Institute – Sofia /European Policies Initiative (October 2009)

In Hungarian (Magyarul)

Folyóirat cikkek

Területi Egyensúly a munkaerőpiac és az ingatlanárak kapcsolata Magyarországon (with Marta Bisztray), Szigma, LI. (2020) 3. 185-214 (September 2020) 

Beszállítói termékek a magyar feldolgozóiparban ( with Balázs Muraközy), Közgazdasági Szemle LXIII. évf., 2016. október (1046—1073. o.) ,

Lakóingatlanárak és települési különbségek (with Horváth Áron , Sápi Zoltán) Közgazdasági Szemle, 63. évf. 12. sz. 2016. p. 1289-1323.

Külkereskedelem és a vállalatok közötti különbségek (with Balázs Muraközy and László Halpern) Közgazdasági Szemle 2013 Január

Magyar Gazellák. A gyors növekedésű vállalatok jellemzői és kialakulásuk elemzése (Balázs Muraközy) Közgazdasági Szemle LI X. évf., 2012. március (233—262. o.) 

A teremtő rombolás szerepe a vállalati termelékenység alakulásában Magyarországon (with László Halpern and Balázs Muraközy), Közgazdasági Szemle, vol 63. 2. szám 2011. február

Optimális valutaövezetek, gazdasági integráltság és hasonlatosság: az Európai Unió példája(Optimum currency areas, economic integration and similarity: the case of the EU) in Hungarian in Közgazdasági Szemle (1998. (Vol 45.) 7-8. . 709p)


Nemzeti innovációs rendszer (National Innovation System) in  G. Pörzse (ed) Kutatásszervezés és innovációmenedzsment az egészség- és élettudományok területén, Semmelweis Kiadó, 2011

Innovációs klaszterek és tudásparkok (Innovation clusters and science parks) in Pörzse Gábor (ed): Innovációmenedzsment. - Budapest : Semmelweis Kiadó, 2008.


Benzinárak földrajzi meghatározása (Geography of petrol prices with Koren Miklós, Zsohár Péter: ),  MT-DP 2011/30