
Talks, media

Quoted in Financial Times on tax policy.

New post on Roubini's Economonitor on competitiveness debate.

Bruegel "Measuring Competitiveness" Book launch - Brussels, January 2016

Banque de France - France Strategie: French competitiveness: new challenges, new measures - 16 December 2015 Paris - Present our new Bruegel book with Carlo Altomonte on competitiveness issues in Europe

Figyelő "Top 200"-- October 2015 Budapest

Survey with Figyelő and Bisnode on supplier link (in Hungarian)

Figyelő-Bisnode- MTA KRTK felmérés a vállalati beszállítókról. 

Top 200 céget kérdeztük, és a Figyelő remek kis konferenciáján előadtuk. TOP200 kiadvány és a Figyelő hetilap cikke. 

Még a Magyar Hírlap is megírta. 

Defacto / Index cikk a keleti nyitásról 

Figyelő - Keleti nyitás - A méret számít (pdf)

Két cikk a keleti nyitásról / two pieces on exporting to the East - August 2015

Talk at MGYOSZ-FIGYELŐ KLUB  - an evening top 200 company CEOs. Talked about exports to far-away countries.

Hogyan alakult a magyar export piaca 2010-2014 között? Tudta-e érdemben támogatni a keleti nyitás politikája a hazai kkv-kat?

Az előadás letölthető.

Talk at on exporting companies (in Hungarian ) (Nov 2014)

Talk at Privatbankar on regional competitiveness (in Hungarian)  ( May 2014)

Talk at Portfolio CEE venture capital conference on fast growing firms (in Hungarian) ( May 2014)

I have been part of panel on growth and competitiveness at Budapest Economic Forum (October 2012 )

---link to summary (in Hungarian)


Figyelő "Top 200" piece on suppliers (with B. Muraközy) [PDF]

A piece on why hit-and-run exports may be optimal for firms. Based on a journal article. (September 2012)

This is an article on the relationship of growth in Hungary, European integration and institutions - in (in Hungarian)  (in English) or download from this site (below).


Container ships, nutting and startups -  Interview of innovation and growth in (in Hungarian) [PDF]

Nice article on Big Data in Index (in Hungarian) September 2013

Report by Index (in Hungarian) on a public event on exporters. (May 2013)