eBook Information

Books through Ballard HS

Students and Teachers have access to over 1500 eBooks through our HS Library. The information below will help you utilize these eBooks!

To search for eBooks:

1. Go to https://ballardia.follettdestiny.com

2. Click on High School Library

3. Click on the Catalog tab

4. In the search bar, type eBook.

5. All eBooks will be returned in the search.

6. To narrow the search, you can type another search term. Example: fiction eBook.

Once you find a book you want to read:

1. Click on the title in the library catalog.

2. Click on Open - or - Click on the link within the book details.

3. This will take to you to a login page for the company where the book was purchased. Follow the directions below based on the company.


On your Chromebook:

1. Click on Open

2. Click on "Sign in with Google"

3. Click on the green button "Open Now"

On your smartphone:

1. Open MackinVIA app. (Download the app if you don't already have it.) OR Search on a desktop: https://www.mackinvia.com/

2. Type in Ballard in the box "School/Library Name"

3. Select "Ballard High School, Huxley, IA" and "Log In"

4. Click on "Sign in with Google" (make sure to use your school email and password)

5. Search for a book (if you press the magnifying glass in the top right corner, you can narrow to genre, subjects, etc.)

6 Once you find the book click on the green "Open Now"

7. Enjoy the book!

Books through other Avenues

Many publishers are currently offering free access to digital books. You will not find these by searching our library catalog because we do not own them and access will likely go away after we return to school. But, there are some great books, worth checking out!