
For a guide to the theme and focus of my writings on economics, see LINK.


Unpublished Work

Economics: Published Papers

Death of a Metaphor: The Invisible Hand,” International Journal of Pluralism & Economic EducationVol. 4(1), March 2013, p. 15-29

The Empirical Evidence Against Neoclassical Utility Theory: A Review of the Literature” [with Mehmet Karacuka] International Journal for Pluralism and Economics Education Vol. 3 (4) 2012, p 366-414

The Normative Foundations of Scarcity,” Real-World Economics Review, issue no. 61, 26 September 2012, pp. 22-39

Power/Knowledge and Economic Theories,” Lahore Journal of Policy Studies. 2011

Anti-Poverty Policies and Anti-Poor Philosophies,” Journal of Business and Economics Vol 2 Number 2 July-December 2010

The Rise and Fall of the Market Economy,” Review of Islamic Economics, Vol. 14, No. 2, 2010, pp. 123–155

Corruption: Measuring the Unmeasurable,” (joint with Faiz-ur-Rahim) Humanomics, Vol 25, number 2, June 2009, p 117-126.

Efficiency Wage Hypothesis – the case of Pakistan.” (joint with Syed Kanwar Abbas), Pakistan Development Review, Vol 44 number 4, Winter 2005, 1051-1066

"Interest and the Modern Economy," The Lahore Journal of Economics, Vol 6, No.1, p113-127, Jan-June 2001 also published in Islamic Economic Studies Vol. 8, No. 2, Muharram 1422H (April 2000) p 61-74

Interindustry Variation in the Costs of Job Displacement,” (with William J. Carrington), Journal of Labor Economics Vol. 12, number 2, pages 243-275, April 1994.

Decomposition of Growth Trends in Agriculture: Another Approach” (with Haroon Jamal), Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol 47, No 4, 1992

Microfoundations for the Basic Needs Approach To Development: The Lexico-graphic Utility Function.” Pakistan Journal of Applied Economics, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 1-11, 1986.

Forecasting Without Theory: The Case of Pakistan's Exports of Rice and Cotton.” (With Abdul-Hafeez Sheikh) Pakistan Journal of Applied Economics, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 65-83, 1983.