Deification of Science

Science was made to substitute for religion in the West. Europeans live with the faith that Science will eventually solve all our problems, and that Science is the only source of reliable knowledge. Articles on this page explain why this faith arose and why it is dangerously wrong. The (wrong) theory of knowledge which deified science is called LOGICAL POSITIVISM (links to Articles and Video lectures about errors in scientific methodology). This is also a Main Page on the topic of Deification of Science in the West.

SEE: a collection of article on The Nature of Human Knowledge, which debunks the widespread myth that Scientific Knowledge is the only valid type of knowledge. Collection listed below deals specifically with confusions regarding the methodology of science itself. Although there are many mistakes and confusions regarding the origins of science, and the significant contributions of Muslims are neglected and ignore, the major problem of Eurocentric History lies ELSEWHERE. Basically, science has been as much a force for evil, as for good -- modern wars have destroyed innocents on a scale unheard of in human history, and modern use of science to exploit the planet is destroying the entire planet via the process of climate change. Furthermore, the contributions of the Islamic Civilization have been very rich in the human and spiritual dimensions, which are completely absent from the story of European progress. It is this area, morals, humanity, tolerance, peace, where Islamic contributions have not been equalled by anyone else.

Main Page on Methodology of Islamic Economics and Social Sciences: An Islamic Approach to Humanities.

Intro Stats Lecture L10: On Deification of Science, provides links to youtube videos, slides, and transcripts

Notes to myself: Paper with Manicas outlined

Very Relevant to the issue of Science; Heroic Model of Science -- Chapter 1 of Joyce Appleby Telling the Truth about History

Three Myths (3) Deification of Science - Intellect Article:Popularized version of Directions for Muslim Scholars in Social Sciences

Social Sciences - These sciences originated in a doomed attempt to replicate scientific methodology in studying humans and societies. This failed because a genuinely different methodology is required. PAGE provides links to many articles

Short Posts: Building Self Confidence - Highlights Contributions of Muslims in many areas, especially science

On the Central Importance of Meta-Theory for Economics - Explains why meta-theory is necessary, and how the heroic model of science provides a false and misleading meta-theory.

Models, Scientific Methodology and ABM - URDU Lecture explains how science originated in the Islamic Civilization, was imported from Spain by the West. However, methodology of science was never correctly understood and articulated; both induction and deduction being widespread misunderstandings.

Manicas: Shift from Realist to Nominalist Science - Unfinished Project: HOW did science get mis-understood so badly?

Islamic Origins of Science - An essay on how West never understood scientific methodology, as it originated in Islamic Civilization. How this is of CURRENT importance.

Intro Stats L10: Deification of Science - YouTube Video Lectures, Transcripts, Slides.

European Transition to Secular Thought - Collection of articles on history and consequences of loss of Faith in Europe

Deification of Science & Its Disastrous Consequences - (2015) International Journal of Pluralism in Economics Education, Vol 6, No.2, 181-197

Decline of Morality in the West - Central Page, links to all relevant materials

4: The Keynesian Revolution and the Monetarist Counter-Revolution - Scince triumphed over Greeks when Keynes developed a theory to explain observed unemployment. Greeks launched a counter-revolution in favor of their axiomatic-deductive methods which are immune to observational evidence.

3: Economists Confuse Greek Methodology with Science - Post 3/4 explaining the Scientific Method, which contrasts with the Greek methodology in use in Economics

2: The Emergence of Science - Post 2/4: How science emerged in Islamic Civilization, after rejection of axioms/logic in favor of observations and experimentation

1: The Misconceived Project of Social Science - Post 1/4: Scientific Methodology is not suited to study of humans and society. First Step of argument: Greek Axiomatic-Deductive methodology is NOT scientific methodology