Texas Moon Fancy Dress

This page will showcase just a selection of the outfits we've dressed up in for the Texas Moon fancy dress evening. This is usually held in April on the "anniversary" of the club being taken over by Paul & Penney when Frank & Rose retired. In the past we have picked our own costumes but in recent years Paul & Penney have selected a theme which seems to be much better. Its usually a fun evening and most of the members join in and some need very little encouragement to dress up!

2000 - Gangsters & Molls

The photo was taken by my neighbour in her house before we went along to the club and long before the advent of digital photos!

I have to say that wearing a man's suit was very comfortable, they are no where as tight fitting as what us women subject ourselves to :-)

This is the usual "crew" of us at the club, (From left to right)

My Dad Allan, Step-mum Margaret, Godfrey (Margaret's brother-in-law), Jeanette (Margaret's sister), Moi and in the front row is of course Julia.

2001 - Edwardian/Victorian

This was us in 2001, we went as Edwardian/Victorian and yes I know they are not the same era but I hated history so who cares!

These are rented costumes from Wendy's Wardrobe but now we tend to try and buy stuff in as renting is expensive and the outfits have to be promptly returned on the Monday morning which is a pain when I have to go to work.

Me 'n' my Girl

This is Julia with Nan & Grandad.

Godfrey and Jeanette. Doesn't he look dapper?

2002 - Open

This is 2002, and this time Dad and Margaret went as bikers.

Think my Dad looks alot like Willie Nelson!

Margaret makes a pretty good biker chick too.

Godfrey and Jeanette as waitress and waiter.

I can just hear John Cleese shouting for Manuel!

Not sure what we did that year as can't find any evidence that we dressed up :-(

2003 - Indian/Aladdin?

This is 2003 and this time the theme seems to be Indian, or a little bit of Aladdin.

Again we are conspicuous by our absence.

2004 - Western

Us dressed up as saloon girls.

Godfrey flanked by the gals - ye ha!

Dad and Margaret

2005 - Romans

Think Dad and Margaret look really good in their costumes.

Bottoms up there!

Here's us dressed up in a couple of white bed sheets. I kind of made a "dress" out of mine and wrapped a scarf around for the waist and Julia "wrapped" herself up in her sheet.

2006 - Open

2006 and here we are on our own apparently! We did our own thing this year and went as St. Trinians School girls and it was well fun.

Don't think I look too bad for a 40-something year old.

2007 - Hawaiian

This is Julia sitting with James and yes she does know that her bra's on the outside of her clothes!

James was on stage that evening for a short spell playing guitar alongside the band, Diamond Jack. He rocked!

2008 - Mexican

Alot harder if you are a woman so we kind of went for peasant-ish and Julia went as a tourist.

Here's Dad and Margaret too - not sure what happened to the others this time - perhaps they were babysitting their grandchildren, their oldest daughter has twin girls!

This year, 2009, the theme is Life on the Ocean Waves so we are going as pirates! Looking forward to it and will post the photos when they are available. (See below for images)

In the meantime here's a few extra photos of other dressing up times, namely Halloween, and these images are some of my favourites.

This is Julia posing in our living room, the image has been cross-processed hence the unusual colouring. I love this image and have a large version of it hanging in my hallway.

This is one of her other many poses. She is a real natural in front of a lens, not like me.

This has gathered alot of attention when it was displayed on last year's calendar. In fact one lady at work loved it so much she asked me if she could keep it and it graces her desk space at work. I just love the atmosphere it creates.

This final image is yours truly dressed up for Halloween in 2004. My Dad took the photo and as he's so much taller than me I think it makes me look a bit "dumpy" :-)

Mind you I'm only about 5' 2" on a good day so its not surprising that I look on the short side - still they do say that good things come in little packages!

(Not sure what has created the smoke like effect, maybe there was dirt on the lens but it looks effective)

2009 - Life on the Ocean Waves

Here they are hot from the Photoshop press :-) The evening went off really well, lots of people took part in the dressing up which is always good for the club. Paul & Penney put a lot of effort into running the club for us week after week and this year celebrated 16 years since they took it over from veterans Frank and Rose.

This is us all dressed up, thought my Dad looked wicked with his costume and Margaret got a terrific deal on her outfit from a local fancy dress shop in Maidstone.

This is our table after we added all the decorations. Thought we did a pretty good job of laying it out, the Jolly Roger flag looked cool and the treasure chest was home made. We used chocolate coins and some of my Mum's old jewellery.

This is Dad & Margaret, think the tattoo sleeves look way cool.

Thought these two were very original with their costumes. Some people pull out all the stops to join in the fun.

This is the treasure chest, I used a snake necklace of my Mum's to decorate it and stood the treasure map behind it.

"An Officer and a Gentleman" two of the lovely ladies posing with Brian.

2010 - Hollywood & Celebrities

Here's a look at this years Fancy Dress "do" at the Texas Moon ...

This here is my Dad and Step-mum Margaret as Willie Nelson and Dolly Parton - yee hah!

This is moi with Julia, we went as St. Trinians girls, though at my age I can hardly pass myself off as a girl!!!

Note the longer hair - mine not Julia's:-)

This chap here is Ken and I thought his costume was very good indeed.

As an enthusiastic dancer I'm not sure the costume wasn't without its complications but he didn't seem to mind.

This pair, Monica and Ron, were simply awesome with their take on Pinocchio and Geppetto.

Alot of thought went into this costume, it even had puppet strings and everything, well done!

These two chaps, Neal and George, make a good twosome as the famous Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy.

Here's my gawjus girl with her beau James. James and the boys in his family went as the Blues Brothers.

Here's the rest of James's family, affectionately known as the Von Trapps.

His mum Annie went as Marilyn Monroe.

So all in all another star-studded evening at the Texas Moon, wonder what they'll get us dressing up in next year???

2011 - Hawaiian

This year's theme is once again Hawaiian, we have been busy buying costumes from Ebay and with my new longer hair I get to look all girly for once. Pics will be posted after the big do so watch this space ...

These are the coveted photos from the Hawaiian night, not that you can see my hair in the photos but did an "up-do" with flowers which made a real change for me as usually in the past my hair's been shaved so not had anything to play with :-)

Me & Julia all dressed and ready to go!

James and Julia, James is wearing our hawaiian sunglasses.

Photo - Margaret Letley

Julia and James sitting under the gazebo.

Dad & Margaret

This is our table, from left to right:-

Margaret, Allan, Julia, James, Nigel and Annie

This is the Von Trapps...

left to right:-

Dominic, James, Annie, Bethany, Nigel and Toby

This is Julia on the dance floor

Nigel & Annie

This picture here is of my neighbour Carole and her friend George. Both completely stumped me when I first saw them, kept wondering who they were? Must have been Carole's long wig as I've never seen her with this much hair before but I thought they had made a sterling effort to get into the party spirit.

It was a good night, most people dressed up for the occasion and we were glad that given the limited number of Hawaiian fancy dress outfits on the internet, no-one wore the same as Julia and I. There were lots of grass skirts and shell bras and that was just the men!

2012 - Nautical

This year's theme is Nautical, we have decided to re-use the pirates costumes from a previous year albeit with a few extra additions purchased online. So here's the final result in all it's glory...

Julia & James

Our Table

"Maverick" Lyn & her significant other

More revellers doing the walk around

Margaret, Dad, Julia & James doing the walk around

Margaret, Dad, James & Julia

James & Julia

Our table

The Texas Moon Birthday Cake celebrating 19yrs since Penney & Paul took over the club from Frank & Rose

Me 'n' my gal

So there you have it, another year over in the fancy dress world, think they are slowly running out of themes as they want to make it easy for people to take part. At least it's cheap to re-use what we've bought before.

2013 - Black & White / Masquerade

This year's theme is Black 'n' White or Masquerade, a distinct change from anything previous so should be good to see how much effort people make! It'll be on the club's 20th birthday which this year is the 13th April. I've bought a new dress, more Renaissance than Venetian but it's a start and a black/silver mask on a stick as wearing glasses makes using conventional masks a tad difficult.

Julia & James sporting their new masks for the occasion. Only trouble is Julia's kept slipping down her hair ;-)

Me 'n' my gal all dressed up and ready to go!

The three amigos!

Some of the people strutting their stuff on the dance floor.

Thought Roger's hat/mask looked very Venetian.

The decorations behind the band, the big mask was actually white but the lighting is so bad even shooting in RAW.

Neal and his sister Carole doing the jive.

The club's 20th birthday cake.

One of the masquerade masks on display - took a couple of runs through RAW processing to keep the mask detail whilst lightening up the background.

Another masquerade mask on the table.

Thought the combined Black & White and Masquerade theme kind of made it a little too easy this year, most people just opted to wear black and white which is not that difficult to do and some wore masks too but again not that many. For me it lacked the usual sense of fun that comes with proper fancy dress so hoping they pick something a little more challenging next year. Did see a lady who had managed to secure a mask to her glasses which worked really well as mine on a stick meant I hardly used it all evening which was a shame as it looked pretty good with all the black feathers!

Julia's mask kept sliding down over her hair so they didn't wear theirs, not least because James also inadvertently left his at our house! Just as well they didn't opt for the seriously expensive masks that Julia had in her sights earlier in the year :-)

2014 - Black 'n' White

This year's theme was Black 'n' White again, a tad disappointing because it looks like another New Year re-run. Still some of us made the effort at least

2015 - Children's Characters

This year's theme was much more interesting, something to get our teeth into! I went as Old Mother Hubbard and Julia & James went as Jessie and Woody from Toy Story

Me 'n' My Gal

The Von Minions ;-)

2016 - Life on the Ocean Waves

This year's theme was sea based again so after some online shopping I went as a lifeguard (Baywatch style) and Julia was The Little Mermaid and James as a Sailor!

My "Finding Nemo" Inflatable!

2017 - Film Characters???

Not quite sure on the exact 2017 theme as I'm catching up here but below are a few images of the costumes from this year... It might have been pick an existing fancy dress costume and wear it ;-)

Dad & Margaret

Me 'n' my Girl!

James & Julia

2018 - 25th Anniversary - Rock 'n' Roll

My Dad


Julia & James

Annie & Nigel

Dad & Margaret

Part of the stage decorations.

2019 - Nautical/Baywatch Etc...

James & Julia

Baywatch Babe ;-)


A few of the club decorations...


So, pretty much the arrival of Covid-19 has scuppered every event from the club, from this year's Fancy Dress probably all the way through until next year, some time, if we're lucky. This pandemic has seen most of us in Lockdown for at least four months from around the third week of March and it's not over yet although some things have re-opened. These are strange and not very pleasant times, unprecedented in most of our lifetimes and difficult to quite get one's head around. What started off earlier in the year as a cancellation of more recent events has just snowballed through the year so far and until the powers that be allow larger gatherings of people I suspect most of the remaining events will be abandoned this year, like firework events and going to see Santa.


So it's 2021 and things are still weird, although getting less so as this year rolls by. There was a brief moment when it looked like the club may re-open at the end of July but the school we rent the hall from put the mockers on that by insisting that face coverings were still to be worn. Who wants to sit wearing one of those for 2-3hrs? No one by the end of the discussions and Penney wasn't too keen on trying to police it either. Plus with an ageing membership, most of whom have probably been double jabbed now with the C-19 vaccine, it still begged the question of whether this sort of social activity was a good idea or not. On a personal note I wasn't too enamoured with the thought of returning and being around SO MANY PEOPLE after a year+ of keeping contact to a bear minimum, dancing around anyone whilst out and about and generally keeping myself very firmly to myself. I'm still working from home, haven't been near the office since March 2020 and so yeah I've become very wary of putting myself "out there" and mixing.

Maybe we'll be lucky enough (?) to restart in the New Year, just not too sure at this rate which New Year that might be 🤣

2021 - Club Closes For Good 😭

So the 4th September saw a post go up on Facebook on both Penney's page and the Texas Moon CMC page confirming that reluctantly, after much soul searching, they had decided to close the club doors for good.

The pandemic has won and as I said previously, with an aging membership and a venue that understandably placed stringent restrictions on it's usage, there was little future for what had once been a vibrant club pre-Covid-19.

Now we're all facing boosters and the potential threat of yet another variant maybe it was the right thing to do even though it marks the end of an era.

There are times when I wonder IF not WHEN we will ever get back to life as it once was.