Tickle Your Brain Fun Sites

Listed below you will find websites that connect with just about any subject.  They are fun websites that are also educational.  Great for those down times in class.  Hope your kids' brains get tickled.  =)

Educational kids computer games and activities for elementary students grades K-5 

Free online educational multiplayer math, geography and language arts games 

Brain teasers, riddles and puzzles to tickle you brain 

A website from PBS kids based on the television show Cyberchase; lots of fun games and activities that will get kids thinking 

Fun games for Math, Science and English 

Lots of great games for kids, but warn them of the ads that loom on the top, sides, and bottom of each page 

A website that has links to other educational websites for just about every subject 

Fun optical illusions and activities for kids 

Educational games, videos and activites for kids 

Lots of fun stuff for all ages and all subject areas; warn students of the ads 

A free website for K-8 students offered by Qwizdom; has many ready‐to‐use practice materials—including educational activities, games, and homework help 

Many different types of games from all subject areas; games are created by teachers; you can create your own activities with a paid subscription 

Free online learning games and activities for kids 

Play online logic games

A fun site full of facts; post a different fact everyday and watch your students knowledge of triva grow 

A website from TV Ontario, similar to PBS, that has lots of fun activities and games