• Program

  • Each paper has 40 minutes available - 25 minutes for the presentation, 5 minutes for the discussant and 10 minutes for a general discussion. Please send you papers directly to the discussant by August 15th and include me as CC. We will make the papers available in a common folder (unless otherwise specified).

  • The workshop begins on Sunday August 21 with a dinner 19:00 at the Soria Moria hotel (https://www.soriamoria.no/en/). To get there, take the train from the airport to Oslo Central Station (Oslo S) and switch to subway (T-bane, line 1, direction Frognerseteren) to Voksenkollen station. It's about 1km to walk from the station to the hotel. For anyone getting in early, I highly recommend a walk downtown by the opera and the Munch museum before heading up to the forest. For the dinner on Monday at Frognerseteren Restaurant there is about a 15-20 min walk each way, so make sure you have some walking friendly shoes.

  • Air travel is booked and paid for by participants and reimbursed after the conference (please book early for availability/cost). We cover meals during the conference, including dinner Sunday, and hotel from August 21-22 . The hotel, Soria Moria Hotel, is booked by the organizers in your name.