
Published papers

Teacher-assigned grades and external exams: Sources of discrepancy (with José M. A. Alemán, Henrik D. Zachrisson & Sigrid Blömeke). Forthcoming in Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice, 2024.

The effects of a free universal after-school program on child academic outcomes (with Nina Drange). Economics of Education Review. Volume 98, February 2024, 102504.

Universal Early Childhood Education and Care for Toddlers and Achievement Outcomes in Middle Childhood (with Henrik Daae Zachrisson, Eric Dearing, Nicolai Topstad Borgen and Lynn A. Karoly) . Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, 17(2), 259–287, 2024.

The Widening Achievement Gap Between Rich and Poor in a Nordic Country (with Henrik Daae Zachrisson, Lynn A. Karoly & Eric Dearing), Educational Researcher 2023, 0013-189X.

Small-Group  Instruction  to  Improve  Student  Performance  in  Mathematics  in Early Grades: Results from a Randomized Field Experiment (with Hans Bonesrønning,  Henning Finseraas,  Inés Hardoy,  Jon Marius Vaag  Iversen,  Ole Henning  Nyhus,  Vibeke  Opheim,  Kari Vea Salvanes and Pål Schøne)*,  Journal of Public Economics, Volume 216, December 2022, 104765.

Do welfare counselors help at-risk upper secondary school students? (with Rune Borgan Reiling and Kari Vea Salvanes). Economics of Education Review, Volume 89, August 2022, 102271.

Long-run Effects of Local Government Mergers on Educational Attainment and Income (with Torberg Falch and Bjarne Strøm). Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 4,  185-213, 2022. 

Age as a merit in admissions decisions for higher education (with Elisabeth Hovdhaugen and Ester Bøckmann). Higher Education, 83, 379–394, 2022.

The effect of central government grants on local educational policy (with Rune Borgan Reiling, Kari Vea Salvanes and Bjarne Strøm), European Journal of Political Economy, 69, 2021.

Tverrfaglig samarbeid - da NAV flyttet inn i videregående skoler (with Rune Borgan Reiling and Kari Vea Salvanes). Søkelys på arbeidslivet. 37(4), 238-251, 2020.

Jack-of-all-subjects? The association between individual grade variance and educational attainment. Economics of Education Review, 75, 2020.

Utdanning som arbeidsrettet tiltak for ungdom med redusert arbeidsevne (with Rune Borgan Reiling and Kari Vea Salvanes). Søkelys på arbeidslivet, 1-2-2018, 23-42.

Do smaller classes always improve students’ long-run outcomes? (with Bjarne Strøm and Torberg Falch). Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 2017.

Kindergarten for all: Long-run effects of a universal intervention (with Nina Drange and Tarjei Havnes). Economics of Education Review, 53, 164-181, 2016.

Work in progress (selection)

Sustained Effects of Small-Group Instruction in Mathematics (with Henning Finseraas, Ole Henning  Nyhus and  Kari Vea Salvanes). 

Back to work? The impacts of education as vocational rehabilitation for young adults with reduced work capacity (with Rune Borgan Reiling and Kari Vea Salvanes). R&R Journal of Education and Work. 

Gender Gaps in English Over Time: A Shift in Favour of Boys (with Lisbeth M. Brevik). R&R Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice.

Sibling gender effects on learning during the Covid-19 pandemic (with Carla Haelermans and Suzanne de Leeuw). 

Does a reduction in assessment activities lead to increased learning? The effects of a Norwegian grade reduction trial (with Ester Bøckmann and Elisabeth Hovdhaugen).


Smågruppeundervisning i matematikk bedrer elevenes læringsresultater (with Kari Vea Salvanes). Bedre Skole nr. 2/2023, pp. 48-52.

Forsøk i skolen. Bedre skole nr. 1/2020, pp. 56-60. 

*The Effect of Small Group Instruction in Mathematics for Pupils in Lower Elementary School (with Hans Bonesrønning,  Henning Finseraas,  Inés Hardoy,  Jon Marius Vaag  Iversen,  Ole Henning  Nyhus,  Vibeke  Opheim,  Kari Vea Salvanes and Pål Schøne).  OSF pre-registration of RCT. 

University of Oslo:


Mailing address: P.O. box 1140 Blindern, 0318 OSLO, Norway



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Phone: (+47) 97615822 

Curriculum Vitae (CV)  

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Twitter @astrid_mjs 
