Teacher Information

The focus of the unit is learning how to plan deliver and review a workplace training program. The unit is designed to be delivered as a blended classroom / online learning experience for third year business students specialising in Human Resources or Pyschology. The unit covers the functions of workplace learning from a practitioner's perspective. It seeks to provide learning for students who wish to gain experience in managing workplace learning practices and for individuals who want to become more involved in hands on training delivery. An important feature of this unit is active participation in the learning process. The unit seeks to include student cultures, contexts and learning needs to drive and add to the diversity of the unit learning.

This website provides a framework for participants to perform an authentic task with real-world relevance.

It is ill-defined and participants will identify multiple ways of planning, delivering and evaluating workplace training based upon their selected organisation, target participants, learning pedagogies, support resources and technologies. Identifying suitable training strategies, and learning methods, writing training plans and learning objectives and developing appropriate support resources for their training program will require some thought, effort, time and access to computers with internet connections.

To conform with university assessment guidelines the overall learning task has been divided into three individual tasks. The first two tasks assist students to learn the knowledge and skills required to complete the final task. Formative feedback should be given to the students about their performance and how they can improve on aspects covered in task one and two. Summative feedback should be provided for task 3.

Tasks one and two are designed to be completed individually, however, there are opportunities for students to network and share their thoughts and ideas with their peers via their blog. Task two requires students to co-operate with each other to provide peer feedback and the task three, the final task, is designed to be completed collaboratively in pairs or small groups. Students should be encouraged to immerse themselves in the ASK Learning Solutions context and use their imagination to create interactive and engaging learning experiences that would be useful in the workplace.

Most of the content, supports and resources for this course are accessible from this website which is open to the public (open access environment). Participant enrolments, profiles, assessment details, results and other confidential information are located on the learning management system (Blackboard LMS - closed environment).

The attached documents (below) show how the unit learning objectives were analysed to mirror the workplace context and create the learning scenario and how the unit tasks and assessments were designed.

Please contact me (link below) if you have any suggestions for improving this website or if you have an authentic learning task that you would like to share.


Langwitches. (2009). Creativity is all about making choices and the results should reflect the voice or individuality of the students. [image]. Retrieved 17/11/2010 from flickr website:http://www.flickr.com/photos/langwitches/3826436778/sizes/o/in/set-72157617682813952

langwitches image creativity