Staff Induction

Congratulations on securing a position as a workplace trainer with ASK learning solutions. All ASK employees are required to complete the company online induction program, maintain a reflective eJournal and continue to develop their ePortfolio as part of the organisations professional development program.

ASK Staffroom


ASK Library


ASK Intranet




Task Instructions - Staff Induction

    1. Download the staff Induction checklist from ASK HR (Note: included in the Assign 2 coversheet, you will need to login to access this secure site)
  1. Download & install Skype
    1. Join the ASK Skype Chat Group (add jennip98 to your contacts)
    2. Add a Skype Button to your ePortfolio 'About Me' page
    3. Join the ASK Diigo Social Bookmarks Group(click on Join Group)
    4. Add your ePortfolio to the ASK Diigo group (tag: MAN3655ePortfolio)
    5. Access the ASK Google Doc Folder open the MAN3655 Assign2 Session Selection spreadsheet and select a training session (see session plans)
    6. Add a 'Resources' page to your ePortfolio and add a hyperlink to the
      1. ASK Diigo group website and the ASK Google Docs folder
    7. Once you have ticked off all items on the checklist submit the completed coversheet and checklist to ASK HR for assessment.