The Verrocchio Art Centre

I was told about the Centre a long time ago by a fellow artist who had been going every year with his wife to study sculpture under Nigel Konstam.

I did not discover it for myself until 2007, when I left an art teaching post I had held for a long time and went to Tuscany to paint, instead of continuing with the usual routine of starting back in the Autumn term.

Since that first visit, I have returned annually to paint and it has become one of my most favourite places to visit.

Everything about the place is enjoyable and stimulating, from the creative people who come and go at the Centre, to the buildings and atmosphere of the fortified medieval hilltop village of Casole d'Elsa and the surrounding area.

In July 2011 I was thrilled to be asked by Nigel Konstam to run my first course at the Centre 'Creativity from the Environment.'

This took place during Palio time, which sees the medieval hilltop town of Casole d'Elsa come alive with processions, music and

street parties.

Since 2017, I have been taking the life model Deb Pearson to the Centre to teach my 'Life and Landscape course.

Unfortunately, Covid has now changed the direction of things

at the centre, but I hope soon to be taking part in an Artists 'Community' there, where an informal style of teaching will become more of the norm.