Lab News!!!

Latest Lab News!!!

January 2021 - Happy New Year! Consider looking up the Center for the Women of New York! Thanks for adding Arpita to your group with a lovely virtual wine tasting. Arpita shared this gift with all the women in the department!

- Congrats to Karthik for approval of his H1b VISA! Woo hoo!

- Cool science alert! Our collaborative paper with Lawrence Livermore National Lab is accepted to Nano Letters!

- Wei gets many interviews in the Boston Biotech scene! Woo hoo!

- Congrats to our lab for being selected for the Army Educational Outreach Program Research and Engineering Apprenticeship Program for 2021 to support high school students from underrepresented groups! An exciting start to the New Year! Shaping the future of US science! Go Diversity, Equity and Inclusion!

- The Bose Lab welcomes undergraduate athlete and WUSTL College Prep scholar, Delton Utsey and Jennifer Olabode. Undergraduate athlete Zi'Onay Walker also returns along with Congress of the South 40 Speaker undergraduate Miriam Silberman. Gardis Ni joins as and will be working outside the lab via virtual platforms. We have an all star undergraduate team!

December 2020 - Arpita presents at Princeton University, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology!    

- Arpita presents to WUSTL first year undergraduates in Bio 181: First Year Seminar in Biology!    

- I look forward to attending the rescheduled NSF funded GRACES workshop at CCNY for Women of Color in Quantitative Fields! I can't wait for this in the New Year! If you are reading this and are interested in joining the GRACES project to find people to talk to, please email me! Now it is February 18, at 1 PM EST!

- Wei defends her thesis! Another PhD from the lab!

- Rajesh presents at the American Geophysical Union on the role of phototrophic extracellular electron uptake in Ellis Island, Missouri!

- In this preprint, Anthony Abel, Jacob Hilzinger, Adam Arkin and Douglas Clark present a convincing case that Rhodopseudomonas palustris TIE-1 is a great chassis for Microbial Electrosynthesis (MES) based on extensive comparative modeling of many autotrophs! Thanks Profs. Arkin and Clark! We could not agree more! They predict that TIE-1 is at Technology Readiness Level 4, highest amongst all the microbes they considered for MES! This is our lab's effort!

November 2020 - Thanks to Dr. Richard Baltz et al. for saying this so eloquently in the "Introduction to Special Issue on “Frontiers in Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology 2020" 

"The Environmental Microbiology program committee also organized a session, sponsored by the Department of Energy’s Office for Biological and Environmental Research, to showcase the work and professional career path of women leading efforts in fields of applied and environmental microbiology where gender imbalance persists. This special issue follows up on these efforts with review articles from two women pioneering basic and applied science on electrically active microorganisms. Clark and Reguera [2] contributed a review on the biology and biotechnology of conductive protein appendages that electricity-producing bacteria used as nanowires to immobilize toxic metals and radionuclides. Arpita Bose and colleagues [4] review the physiology, ecology, and evolution of extracellular electron uptake in autotrophic microbes and their potential use as microbial chassis for the electrosynthesis of value-added chemical commodities from CO2."

October 2020 - Congrats to Karthik et al. for acceptance of their paper to Nanotechnology! Nice way to start October!

- Congrats to Dr. Dinesh Gupta, you are such a rockstar! Your committee was so wowed by your defense they didn't even have to vote to pass you! Woo hoo!

- Thanks Nature Research Communities for your invitation to write the first "After the Paper" feature! We are so honored you asked us!

- Arpita gives a seminar at the University of Tuebingen, Germany!

September 2020 - Thanks to the Washington University Climate Program and Bennett Rosenberg, for the Spotlight on our research on sustainability!

- We welcome new undergrads Miriam Silberman and Zi'Onay Walker to the lab! Mackenzie also returns to the lab this semester!

- Congrats to Dinesh and Mike for acceptance of their paper! Woo hoo!

- Thanks to the Packard Foundation for making the graduation ceremony for the 2015 Fellows so memorable despite the difficult circumstances! The Virtual Coast required a new platform being built from scratch that became operational only 4 days            before the symposium! It was absolutely marvelous! Wish all conferences would use it!

- Congrats to Dinesh and Mike for getting the Cover of JIMB!

August 2020 - Talks are going online and Arpita is going to present the lab's research at the Packard Symposium, the American Geophysical Union Meeting, University of Tuebingen, Germany and at Princeton University this year virtually!

- The Bose Lab welcomes Adrienne Brauer as the lab's newest PMB rotation student!

July 2020 - Congrats to Dinesh for securing a post-doctoral position at University of California, Berkeley! Woo hoo!

June 2020 - We return to lab after the COVID-19 lockdown!

- Congrats to Rajesh, Tahina, Wei and Dinesh for acceptance of their paper to Applied and Environmental Microbiology! Woot woot! Also, double-congrats on being selected for the Applied and Environmental Microbiology Spotlight by the Editors!

- Learn a little bit about our own Dinesh Gupta in this month's Biology Spotlight!

- Congrats to Kevin Johnson for entering Case Western Medical School!

May 2020 - Thanks to the anonymous nominator for nominating Arpita for the SN10 Scientist to Watch 2020 chosen by Science News! Our lab is so honored!

- Arpita shares her experiences teaching undergrads using flawed research via Course Hero

- Thank you NSF for funding our research on Sustainable Bioproduction!

- The lab welcomes Joycie Chang and Dhruv Vaze this summer for a virtual Army Education Outreach Program!

April 2020 - Congratulations to Eric for passing his qualifying exam with flying colors!

February to March 2020 - The COVID-19 response is the majority of our effort in these months

January 2020 - Congratulations to Emily for passing her qualifying exam with flying colors!

- The Bose Lab receives Army Outreach Educational Research Program funding for summer research!

December 2019 - Dinesh gets permission to graduate! Woo hoo! Second Bose lab PhD soon to be! 

- The Bose-Blodgett Holiday Party is back to the house this year! on popular demand!

November 2019 - Dinesh's mBio paper is featured in the Source, EurekAlert and many other news sources!


- Dinesh is featured by FEMS! Congrats Dinesh! You are amazing!


- Arpita gives a seminar on the lab's basic science research at the University of Missouri - St. Louis, Tahina's alma mater!

October 2019 - Arpita presents the lab's basic research at the Argonne National Lab!

- Duke University features the lab's research in their research blog!

- features our lab's research!

- Congrats to Dinesh for acceptance of his work on PioAB to mBio!

 - WUSTL features our educational efforts in St. Louis via the Gateway Summer Science Program and the Changing the Face of Mentorship Award from L'Oreal that helps support his effort!

September 2019 - Arpita attends the 31st Packard Symposium. Here past and present Packard Fellows present a gift to Nobel Laureate Frances Arnold!

-  The Bose lab welcomes graduate student Andreea Stoica!

- The Bose lab gets to work with scientists at the Lawrence Livermore National Lab!!! Yippee!

- Congrats to Tahina on his promotion!

- Arpita presents the lab's basic research at Duke University!

August 2019 - Congrats to Emily for being chosen for the NIH Genomics Training grant! You are a rockstar Emily!


-  Welcome Jenna McGuffey, the newest Bose lab rotation student!

- Congrats to Karthik on the birth of his second son!

July 2019 - Thanks to LOreal and AAAS for the Changing the Face of STEM Mentor Award!

- Congrats to Wei for her abstract getting accepted for a talk at American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting!


- Dinesh presents his seminal research on the molecular mechanisms of how microbes eat electricity at the Applied and Environmental Microbiology Gordon Research Seminar and Conference!


- Congrats to Dinesh for winning both the Trends in Microbiology and the FEMS Microbiology and Ecology Best Poster Prizes! Dinesh you are amazing! 

- Congrats to Mike for defending his thesis with flying colors!!! Congrats Dr. Guzman!

June 2019 - The Bose lab welcomes Kayla Anderson, the Young Scientist Program student to the lab!

- Thanks to the Moore Foundation for selecting me as a finalist for the Moore Inventor Fellowship!

- Thanks to the US Department of Energy for supporting our session "Women in Environmental Science" at SIMB in Washington, D.C.!

- The US Department of Energy report on Genome Engineering for Material Synthesis is out from our workshop last October!


May 2019 - Mike graduates this May! Congrats Dr. Guzman. He heads to Lawrence Livermore National Lab as a Post-doctoral scholar in August!


- Aiyana Evers and Grace Choi join the lab for exciting Department of Defense research!

April 2019 - The month starts on a high note! Welcome Emily Davenport, the newest Bose lab member!


- Tahina's work gets featured in the Source and many other news sources! We are that much closer to making bioplastics sustainably from just carbon dioxide, light and electricity!

- The Bose lab welcome Aiyana Evers as the US Army HSAP student and Grace Choi as the US Army URAP student this summer! Woo hoo! Girl power!

- The St. Genevieve Herald features the HSAP Aiyana Evers and the Bose lab!

- Congratulations to Dianne Newman, one of my post-doc mentors for being elected into the National Academy of Sciences!

March 2019 - Nature features our work in a "Behind the Paper" article! 

- Our newest paper in Nature Communications is featured by WUSTL! And now by many many news sources!

- Congrats to Tahina on acceptance of his paper showing that iron/electricity, carbon dioxide and light is all some microbes need to make bioplastics! A step toward sustainability!


- Congrats to Karthik and Rajesh for acceptance of their review showing that microbes that eat electricity can help with sustainable bioproduction, a new frontier

- So blessed to receive funds for a one-of-a-kind microscope from the Department of Defense's Defense University Research Instrumentation Program (DURIP)!

February 2019 - The Bose lab's research and outreach efforts are featured by the Ampersand in a cool Youtube video

- Congrats to Mike on the acceptance of his big research paper to Nature Communications!! And getting a "Behind the paper" feature in Nature!

- The Bose lab welcomes its newest member! Welcome Eric Conners! Let's embark on another journey of kick ass science!

January 2019 - Congrats to Bryan for his acceptance to Stony Brook Medical School!


- Wei presents her research at the International Conference on Biomolecular Engineering!


- Congrats to Dinesh on the acceptance of his paper!

- Congrats to Arpita for acceptance of her paper to mBio!

December 2018 - Congrats to Mike on acceptance of his paper!

-  Congrats to Mike on acceptance of another paper in the same month!

- Congrats to Bryan for getting accepted to the Indiana University Medical School!


- Wei presents her research at the CRISPR meeting!

- Congrats to the lab for getting great reviews on many papers this month! It's been a bumper year!


- The Bose-Blodgett holiday party will be at J Greene's Irish Pub this year. Lots to celebrate!

- The Bose Lab gets funding for the two summer undergraduate researchers through the competitive US Department of Defense, Army Research Office's URAP program! Yippee!!! Interested students should apply here.


November 2018 - Mike's papers are now in review in influential journals! 

- Congrats to Tahina for being featured in the Biology spotlight! You are an inspiration to all of us. 


- Arpita talks to junior faculty about "Things I wish I knew then at WUSTL"!


- Arpita participates in the WUSTL Undergrad Mentor Connections at WUSTL!

October 2018 - The Bose lab hosts our friend and collaborator Prof. Steven Hallam for a talk at WUBio!

- Mike gets the green light to defend his thesis (3 years in the lab and you are off)! Woohoo soon to be Dr. Guzman!

- Excited to go to the 2018 Genome Engineering for Material Synthesis (GEMS) Workshop organized by DOE-BER!


- Congrats to Mike on his invited talk at NA-ISMET! Have a blast in Minnesota Mike!

- Congrats to Dinesh on winning the Best Poster Award at the Plant and Microbial Biosciences Retreat!

- Congrats to Mike for getting an invitation to talk at the 44th Midwest and Southwest Phototroph meeting!

September 2018 - It was great to meet some old friends at the Packard Fellowship's 30th reunion! Also, it was fun listening to some amazing science!


- Making a short video with Sean Garcia! Hope it is as fun as the last ones!

- Arpita is featured in the September Missouri Cures Newsletter!


- Karthik's paper is featured in Science Trends!

August 2018  - Arpita heads to Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada to the International Society for Phototrophic Prokaryotes 2018 Meeting to give a plenary lecture on Dinesh and Mike's work!

- Arpita heads to the Society of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology Meeting in Chicago, Illinois to give a talk in the "Electric Microbiomes" session!


- Arpita had an awesome visit to Interamerican University in Puerto Rico! The Barranquitas, Bayamon and San Juan campus talks were great! The extracurricular activities were even better!

July 2018 - Mike Guzman gives an awesome talk about his upcoming paper at the Microbial Stress Response Gordon Research Conference!

- Arpita goes to the Microbial Diversity Summer Course to help kick off the new directors George O'Toole and Rachel Whitaker. We also start the Microbial Diversity-WUSTL-Gateway Science Summer Program collaboration on electrotrophic phototrophs!

- Arpita heads to Austria for the Iron Biogeochemistry Conference in Lech!

June 2018 - Congrats to Wei for her wedding celebration in China! We miss you!

- Arpita is featured in the DBBS faculty spotlight!

- Welcome Gateway Science Summer Program students! May you have a fun summer in my lab Omar!

- Congrats to Mike Guzman for being selected to give a talk at the Microbial Stress Response Gordon Research Conference!

- Please checkout "The Gateway Science Summer Program" website!

May 2018 - Welcome all summer students! We look forward to another fun summer in the Bose lab!


-  Stay-tuned for exciting new papers from the Bose lab as pre-prints soon!

April 2018 - Arpita presents for the Washington University Undergraduate Prospects!

- Go Plant and Microbial Biosciences program! We have such an amazing class this year! We would love to recruit 2 graduate students this year!

- We have an early summer graduation party for Bryan! Bryan continues for a year in our lab as a technician! Congrats Bryan!

March 2018 - Our bioremediation research sponsors, Interamerican University of Puerto Rico come for an awesome field visit. The best part of Spring so far! Go "Inter"!!! 

- Arpita goes to D. C. for a Office of Naval Research meeting!

- Arpita presents Dinesh and Michael's research at the ACS General Meeting in New Orleans!

- Dinesh presents for PMB lunch!

- Arpita presents Dinesh and Michael's research at Oklahoma State University in Stillwater!

- Congrats to Karthik on the acceptance of his paper!

February 2018  - Mike presents his interesting and exciting data for PMB lunch! 

January 2018 - Happy New Year! The year starts with the Faculty Retreat on January 5th! 

- Arpita presents at the Army Research Office PI meeting!


- First class! Check!

- Flu oh terrible flu! Be safe everyone!

- Thank you to Rajesh Singh for delivering the "Introduction to Geomicrobiology" lecture for Bio 349! The students loved you Rajesh! 

- Lily Tang joins the Bose lab as its first freshman undergrad! Welcome Lily! We love your enthusiasm and hope that it is infectious!

April 2015 - Arpita receives the Geobiology and Geomicrobiology Division Award from the Geological Society of America for 2015!!!

- Meredith accepted to two Medical Schools and on the wait-list for WUSTL Med!!!

- Meredith initiated into Phi Beta Kappa!

- Tahina joins the lab as a Research technician!

- The Bose lab receives I-CARES seed-funding to conduct sustainability research on lowering greenhouse gas emissions! Yippee!

- Arpita is featured in BIOrythms (.pdf here).