

We are currently recruiting graduate students, and research technicians. 

- We will be recruiting 1-2 graduate student(s) every year. Interested graduate students should apply through the DBBS program. Within DBBS, we usually recruit students from the Plant & Microbial Biosciences (PMB), Molecular Genetics & Genomics (MGG) and Computational & Systems Biology (CSB) programs. However, students from any WUSTL graduate program are also free to join the lab.

Please contact Arpita at abose@wustl.edu for more information about any of these positions. 

- Currently, we have no more summer undergraduate research positions but we would love to talk to you irrespective! So come on by the lab and check it out whenever! For future positions please visit the Bio 200/500 website.  Summer undergraduate research can be supported by the Amgen Scholars Program, BiomedRAP, HHMI-SURF and many more funding sources at WUSTL. Please provide a cover letter and CV for these positions.