Unit 4 Review

The Jeffersonians


Ch. 11-12


    • Decline and death of the Federalist Party.
    • “Era of Good Feeling”.
    • Marshall and his Supreme Court decisions.
    • What caused Jeffersonian Democracy to develop?
    • Compare the Second Party System with the First.
    • Rise and development of political parties --> economic, social, and geographical characteristics and leaders.
    • Hamilton’s economic program created the political issues for the next 50 years.
    • The positions, rationale, issues, and spokesmen for the sections on the following political topics: tariff, banking, internal improvements, expansion, and slavery.
    • The significance of the 1824 election.
    • The War of 1812 as a second War for Independence.
    • Foreign policy united and divided Americans between 1800 and 1824.
    • The interests of the West were satisfied by neither the Jeffersonians nor the Federalists between 1789 and 1815.
    • Provisions and impact of the Monroe Doctrine.
    • Clay’s “American System”.


    • Louisiana Purchase
    • Lewis & Clark
    • Judiciary Act - 1801
    • "Midnight Judges"
    • Judicial Review
    • John Marshall
    • Marbury v. Madison - 1803
    • Fletcher v. Peck - 1810
    • McCulloch v. Maryland - 1819
    • Dartmouth College v. Woodward - 1819
    • Cohens v. Virginia - 1821
    • Gibbons v. Ogden - 1824
    • Aaron Burr
    • Embargo Act - 1807
    • Macon's Bill #2 - 1810
    • War Hawks
    • John C. Calhoun
    • Henry Clay
    • War of 1812
    • Impressment
    • Hartford Convention - 1814
    • Treaty of Ghent - 1814
    • Battle of New Orleans
    • "Era of Good Feeling"
    • Tariff of 1816
    • Rush-Bagot Agreement - 1817
    • Adams-Onis Treaty - 1819
    • Panic of 1819
    • Missouri Compromise of 1820
    • Monroe Doctrine - 1823
    • Erie Canal
    • Robert Fulton
    • Eli Whitney
    • Samuel Slater
    • Lowell System
    • Denmark Vessey - 1822

Essay Questions:

    1. To what extent was President Thomas Jefferson’s foreign policy the master or servant of events, 1801-1809?
    2. Discuss how the nationalism of the 1810s & 1820s became the sectionalism of the 1830s and 1840s. What were the social, political, and economic reasons for these changes?
    3. What was the most important factor that led to the development of American industry after the War of 1812? Use the documents and your knowledge of U S History to answer the question.
    4. The labeling of the period 1816-1824 as “The Era of Good Feeling” is one of the most inappropriate examples of periodization in American historical scholarship. Assess the validity of this statement.
    5. In what sense, if any, is the idea of a “Revolution of 1800” justified? (Note that Jefferson himself always considered that his election represented a genuine “revolution”—but what did he really mean or understand by that term in this context?)