Unit 10 - World Power 1880-1920

Ch. 29, 30, & 33


1. Explain how individuals and events moved the United States into the role of a world power and to recognize the effects of economic policies on U.S. diplomacy.

2. American foreign policy leading up to involvement in the First World War was greatly influenced by our definitions of the rights of neutrals and our assertions of "freedom of the seas." At what point do you feel that Germany was justified in considering the United States an enemy and acting on that perception accordingly?

3. Analyze the causes of WWI, the reasons the United States Entered the war in 1917 and the consequences of the war.

Unit Themes:

    1. The Emergence of America as a World Power
      • American imperialism: political and economic expansion
      • War in Europe and American neutrality
      • The First World War at home and abroad
      • Treaty of Versailles
      • Society and economy in the postwar years