Key Concept 9.2

The end of the Cold War and new challenges to U.S. leadership in the world forced the nation to redefine its foreign policy and global role.

I. The Reagan administration pursued a reinvigorated anti-Communist and interventionist foreign policy that set the tone for later administrations.

    • President Ronald Reagan, who initially rejected dĂ©tente with increased defense spending, military action, and bellicose rhetoric, later developed a friendly relationship with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, leading to significant arms reductions by both countries.
      • "Star Wars" missile defense system, Start I
    • The end of the Cold War led to new diplomatic relationships but also new U.S. military and peacekeeping interventions, as well as debates over the nature and extent of American power in the world.

II. Following the attacks of September 11, 2001, U.S. foreign policy and military involvement focused on a war on terrorism, which also generated debates about domestic security and civil rights.

    • In the wake of attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, U.S. decision-makers launched foreign policy and military efforts against terrorism and lengthy, controversial conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq.
    • The war on terrorism sought to improve security within the United States but also raised questions about the protection of civil liberties and human rights.