Field Visits

September 2019 (during sabbatical) – Nagoya Japan: Toyota and Legoland.

March 2019 – Cambridge ON, Canada: Toyota Canada.

March 2018 – Edmonton AB, Canada: Sysco Canada.

March 2017 – Cambridge ON, Canada: Toyota Canada.

March 2016 – Calgary, AB, Canada: Walmart Logistics (Distribution Centre for high velocity items and fresh produce).

January 2017 – Edmonton AB, Canada: Sysco Canada (Sysco is the global leader in selling, marketing and distributing food products to restaurants, healthcare and educational facilities, lodging establishments and other customers who prepare meals away from home. Its family of products also includes equipment and supplies for the foodservice and hospitality industries.) (

July 2015 – Edmonton AB, Canada: Greys Paper Recycling Industries LP (

March 2015 – Cambridge ON, Canada: Toyota Canada.

November 2013 – Kansai region, Japan (during sabbatical): Issues related to green supply chain management.

November 2012 – Japan (Uji, Kyoto): Yamamoto Seiko Co. Ltd., a Japanese medium sized manufacturer of aluminum parts for auto industry.

January 2012 – Germany (Brackenheim): Ricoh Deutschland's Managed Document Centre.

June 2009 – Austria (Vienna): United Nations (Vienna) for orientation and gaining knowledge about United Nation’s functioning and UNEP programs.

May 2009 – Austria (Reigersburg): Zotter Schokolade Manufaktur GmbH – A Fair Trade, Fair for Life certified manufacturer of a large variety of organic chocolates.

April 2009 – Canada (Montreal, Quebec): Sucrerie de la Montagne (Sugar House of the Mountains) – A “Site of Quebec’s Heritage”; Met entrepreneur Pierre Faucher and to get a glimpse of the traditional operation of a sugar house (April 25, 2009).

January 2009 – Germany (Franenthal): KSB AG Group - one of the leading producers of pumps, valves and related systems. Annual sales revenue is approximately 1800 million euro.

July 2008 – Germany (Hassloch): Ball Packaging Europe GmbH - one of the leading beverage can producers in Europe.

November 2007 – Germany (during sabbatical):

    • Volkswagen Sachsen GmbH (Zwickau)

    • Volkswagen AG (Wolfsburg)

    • Daimler AG (Untertürkheim)

    • BMW Group (Munich)

    • Daimler AG Sales (Mainz)

July 2003 – Germany (Stuttgart): Daimler Benz.

July 2001 – Germany (Bischofsheim): Deutsche Bahn (Cargo) facilities.

January 2001 – France (Hombach): Daimler Chrysler plant for SMART Cars.

January 1997 – Japan (Shiga, Ryuo): Daihatsu Plant.