
My youtube channel where I upload favorite videos done by me as well as those I like.

Youtube technology has changed over the years. It has now started offering broadcasting services for individuals. This means it opens the distribution chain for videos and makes every individual a broadcaster. Hence a paradigm shift from mass to micro to mass.

Taking advantage of this platform following are videos created by me.

Number 1

This is a video I created which is based on a picture book that was created for age group 4 to 7 to teach the concept of adding 1 more. It is a poetry text based animation video narrating the story of number 1 and his adventure as he drives the bun wagon.

The book was developed upto increments of 10. However the animation video is only upto five. The video is created with a combination of director, aftereffects and final cut pro editing software. Images manipulated and created in Photoshop software.

Child Trafficking Awareness music video "They have no Comfort"

This video as created for a non-profit organization's call for music videos on child abuse child trafficking awareness campaign. The music by katuv was provided by the non-profit. The whole video is a compilation of still photos manipulated in Photoshop and arranged in I-movie and Final cut pro editing suit.