IIHC Press Release

Post date: 21-May-2011 23:16:56

Press Release on behalf of the International Imam Hussein Council, 21.05.2011

Please Action and Forward

Protest Against Drone Attacks on Pakistan in London

Gathering outside Parliament during President Obama’s visit on Wednesday 25th of May 2011


Join Lord Nazir Ahmed of Rotherham and other noted speakers, including Sister Rubab Mehdi Rizvi the chairperson of the International Imam Hussein Council, in their opposition to the use of drones in breach Pakistan’s sovereignty and the execution of extra judicial killings.

It is the duty in international law of all civilized nations to protect and respect the borders and sovereignty of other nations as they wish for their own borders, sovereignty and peoples to be protected and respected. So important is this principle that before taking financial and eventually military action against the dictatorships of Sadam Hussein and the present engagement with the forces of Libya’s President Gadafi felt that it was necessary and lawful to obtain the mandatory authority of UN resolutions. However, for the use of drones and lethal force in the territory and upon the citizens of Pakistan no permission or mandate has been sought despite the protests of that allied nation and the international criticism that such actions have provoked.

Civilized law is based upon the assumption that the rights of all citizens to free, peaceful and secure lives are sacred and protected except where their criminality is established by due process in legitimate courts of law. It is a matter of paramount concern to all who wish to protect the values of civilization, freedom and democracy that this assumption remains one of the shared realities which we fight to protect. It is our shared duty to protect the rights of others, especially those we disagree with, and to remind the leaders of our nations that it is their duty too.

It is our belief that the recognition and protection of universal rights for men is harmonious with the free will that Allah (swt) has given mankind. Whether this is the right of free men and women to choose the direction of their country through a democratic process or those accused of the most heinous crimes to defend themselves in a fair and just trial it is both an Islamic obligation and an act of justice to uphold their rights.

For further information or press comments from IIHC call,

Sr Rubab Mehdi Rizvi, Chairperson IIHC, 07412380991


Shk Muhammad Amin Evans, Secretary IIHC, 07590460407