34th IARF World Congress

Post date: 22-Jun-2013 11:13:58

“Challenges for Religious Freedom in the Digital Age.”

The 34th IARF World Congress will be hosted in the splendid setting of the leafy campus of the University of Birmingham, UK, 24th - 27th of August

2014. Much of the early development of the university was due to endowments and bequests from the well-known Quaker chocolate makers Cadbury

and Sons. It is now one of the oldest and most progressive of Britain’s ‘Red-Brick’ universities with many unique collections and facilities. Symbolic

for the city’s policy of commitment towards diversity, acceptance and religious freedom it is an ideal location for the International Association of

Religious Freedom to congregate.

Why not take a virtual tour of what the campus has to offer at http://virtualtour.bham.ac.uk/# before you agree that this is a special place for a

special event not to be missed.

Details of Congress events, call for papers, speakers, bookings and fees will be published at www.iarf.net, announced at Friends of IARF on FaceBook

and in emails from the Hosting Committee.