Geo Ehret

George Ehret's Hell Gate brewery.

Above all it is the fermentation and lager department, which more than otherwise in America recalls European conditions. There we still find real cellars still in use, in contrast to most American breweries cooled with cooling liquids and not the direct expansion system; we find genuine lagering barrels made from cedar wood in moderate dimensions with galvanized rings and so on.

The cellar treatment is also more or less European, as the beer is not fined and carbonated, instead it is merely put onto chips and kräusened. By this it should not be said of course, that this brewery is constructed in an old fashioned way, since we also find all of the innovations, which characterizes modern progressive breweries.

George Ehret's Hell Gate brewery in the 1890s. (images from Ehret's 1891 Twenty-Five Years of Brewing)