
Translated selections from

Prof. Dr. Adolf Cluss':

Recollections of America

and its Brewing Industry

Special offprint from the Zeitschrift für das Gesamte Brauwesen

(publication for the entire brewing industry) founded by Councillor Dr. C. Lintner.

Published by the Scientific Station for Brewing in Munich and

The Royal Academy for Agriculture and Brewing in Weihenstephan

edited by C. Bleisch Weihenstephan-Freising

The Bavarian Brewing Association

The Association of Munich Breweries in Munich

The Association of German Brewmasters and the Master-maltster Association

The Association of German Brewery and Malting Chemists

The Association of Former Members of the Weihenstephan Brewing Department

Publishing company of R. Oldenbourg in Munich and Berlin


Non-original, added images captioned in red