
The Lemp Brewing Company, St Louis, Mo

They mostly malt Iowa barley, apart from this also barley from Minnesota.

The brewhouse contains two simple brew houses of 500 barrels capacity each - The brewing method is also here the infusion process. From the hop strainer the wort goes through enclosed coolers to the upper story of the seven story fermentation cellars, or more accurately put fermentation houses, into open pitching vats placed there. As soon as the beer is in kräusen, it is transferred into sealed vats and the carbonation is collected; the final fermentation takes place however, at least for a large part of the beers, in open vats.

When the main fermentation is over, the young beer travels via coolers with a relatively low carbonation level to the ruh vats and from there after some time to the chip casks. On the way to filling the carbonating of the beer takes place. In certain circumstances they also work thusly, whereby the beer attains sufficient gas (carbonation) through the chip casks, from where it, when mature, is led through a filter to the filling bock or with bottled beer, over the government cellar.

Of interest not only to the brewing profession but of interest to the study of caves are the old, however no longer in use, rock cellars of the brewery, which form a natural labyrinth of hollows through the soil, in which the characteristic stalactite formations are found.