Reflection on Linear Algebra

Linear algebra is a course that deals with linear mathematics such as the geometry of the plane and three-dimensional space, the algebra of linear equations, and the study of vector spaces, matrices, and the four fundamental subspaces.  Fall 2016 is the first time I taught this course.  I provide the syllabus in order to demonstrate my expectations for the course.  Generally, I approached teaching this course similar to other courses.  However, there are goals specific to this course.  I had many goals at the start.  Three of the big goals were

I did meet each of these goals.  However, since this was the first time I taught this course, I did run into difficulties.

While there were many rocky portions to the class, I was able to correct my mistakes during the semester.  This helped to remove many of the justified, frustrated attitudes from students.  For a future Linear Algebra course,