Operation FLUSH

Origins/Major Influence: Viva La Revolution, The Night of the Long Defragmentation Algorithm (requires access to Paranoia-Live's GM Meeting Room)

Description: Operation FLUSH is the codename for an Internal Security entrapment operation designed to root out treason. The Operation was based off a simple observation: all secret societies will stay in hiding until they see a opportunity for them to openly rule Alpha Complex and re-shape it in their images.

Operation FLUSH was a coordinated attempt to overthrow Alpha Complex and The Computer, creating a power vacuum. Once this happens, traitors will think they now have a chance to take over the Complex and will reveal themselves to fill this power vacuum. Internal Security will document the events as they proceed, sorting people into two categories: citizens and non-citizens. Then, Internal Security will re-activate The Computer and all non-citizens will be terminated and erased. Alpha Complex will then be 100% free of treason.

To help aid the success of this Operation, Internal Security also established the People’s Glorious Revolutionary Committee, an interim government which had representatives from all the treasonous secret societies participating (except for FCCC-P, who refused to take part in such an anti-Computer conspiracy). The Committee would secure the loyalty of "The People", by promising to hold free and fair elections once the Complexian emergency ends and all enemies of the Revolution are terminated (the "emergency" will never end...the Committee is far more likely to turn on itself and declare each other "enemies of the Revolution").

Following the overthrow of The Computer and the widespread looting and rioting, life Alpha Complex remain pretty much the same as it was before, with INFRAREDs working in food vats, troubleshooters still engaging in troubleshooting, bureaucrats still pushing papers, and people chugging down happy pills to get through the day. The only changes that one could detect in the lower-clearance areas is that posters calling on clones to support The Computer was replaced by posters calling on clones to support the PGRC, and that people began to be slightly more open about their secret society affiliations.

The main difference can be seen at the higher clearances, as the PGRC and Internal Security purged everyone that they hate (under the charge of being "enemies of the Revolution"). After the purges though, there was a notable lack of skilled personnel. To fill those vacancies, people started getting promoted for doing...well...anything meritorious. "Pick up some trash, have a promotion! Salute in the corridor, have a promotion!" This extreme hyper-promotion policy was very popular, as it helped counteract the extreme hyperinflation caused by widespread looting and rioting after the People's Revolution.

After a few months, Internal Security determined two major problems with Operation FLUSH. First, Internal Security did not anticipate a drop in food production throughout the Complex (PGRC and Internal Security had no experience running PLC, and all qualified staffers had already been purged). Food hoarding became a treasonous offense, but one that PGRC representatives and Internal Security agents still regularly engage in, reasoning that they would rather not want to starve to death. As food supplies dwindle, the masses become discontent and start calling for a second Revolution. This threatens PGRC's rule and possibly undermines the success of Operation FLUSH. (So too, does starving to death.)

The second problem Internal Security detected is that Operation FLUSH is itself compromised. PURGE double-agents within Internal Security found out about Operation FLUSH and decided to provide help to it...with the intention of later purging all the Internal Security agents and turning this fake revolution into an actual real one. Internal Security has to postpone the inevitable "re-activiation" to find these PURGE traitors (because if they do the re-activation if there are still PURGE double-agents around, the double-agents could then attempt to eliminate The Computer, this time permanently).

What Internal Security doesn't know though is that some PURGE double-agents had gone slightly insane and paranoid from their experiences as double-agents. These PURGErs now firmly believe that the only way to ensure The Computer will never return...is to destroy Alpha Complex completely and utterly. These psychopaths acquire WMDs, manipulate (or even lead) the PGRC, fund FCCC-P rebels, and prepare for the day when Alpha Complex will be wiped off from the face of the Earth. These double-agents are extremely dangerous, and all citizens would be well-advised to terminate these people on sight (once they learn of their existence, of course).

Spy for Another Alpha Complex: As Operation FLUSH slowly lurches towards conclusion, several high-clearance citizens have panicked and fled to other Complexes (to find secret society missions for these people, look here). However, most individuals leaving this Complex are spies sent by the PGRC/Internal Security in a desperate attempt to keep the Complex running. PGRC would be more focused on getting help from other secret societies and factions, while Internal Security would probably refuse to make permanent deals and instead rely on stealing valuable items from the other Complexes.

  • Your complex's R&D is deciding between researching a new bioweapon or building a more effective food vat. Steer them towards choosing the second option, and then copy the blueprints of this food vat so that we can start building these vats at home.
  • And while you're at that, there's this warehouse of preserved food in the Underplex that we would really want to steal for ourselves. Go ahead and secure that warehouse in the name of the People's Revolution.
  • The PGRC is debating over how best to calm the masses before they riot and start a Second Revolution. Break into HPD&MC's headquarters, learn how your Complex keep the masses in line, and inform us as quickly as possible.
  • Internal Security need to figure how to identify PURGE double-agents within its midst. Join up with your Complex's PURGE, conduct a few terror bombings on their behalf, and try to meet up with a PURGE double-agent in action. Observe his behaviors, and then report back to us.