Civil War Complex

Origins/Major Influence: Sweep of Unhistory (Paranoia Mission)

Description: The Computer is utterly paranoid, even when dealing with itself. It constantly lives with the fear that one of its CompNodes could have been subverted by communists. But usually, its paranoia could be held in check by the ULTRAVIOLETs. This Complex however lack trained High Programmers, probably because The Computer terminated them all due to paranoia. Now, every single CompNode views itself as the One True Computer, and all the other CompNodes as being traitorous scum that must be terminated.

Hundreds of years later, the Complex has turned into a ruined mess. Each CompNode rules over a decaying husk of a sector that holds less than 1000 citizens each. Luxuries such as food vats are nonexistent, and believing that there was in fact a time when the Complex was unified and that people can walk from sector to sector is considered the highest form of treason. So is complaining about the horrible living conditions, stockpiling excess food beyond the ration limits, or spying for a rival CompNode. There are no VIOLETs or ULTRAVIOLETs in the Complex; without such checks and balances, each CompNode becomes more and more eccentric and crazy.

Spy From Another Alpha Complex: It is unlikely that the CompNodes will even send spies into your Complex; they're too busy spying on and killing each other first. If they do send a spy, it would just be liberate weapons to be sent back to the war front.

Most spies are instead fleeing from their Complex, in the hopes of moving to a more stable and less insane society (Friend Computer disapprove of these immigrants though, as it cannot ever be certain of their loyalty). These spies lay the groundwork for future refugees to arrive and take shelter in a new Alpha Complex. Taking over this Alpha Complex for themselves would also be a nice, secondary benefit...but one step at a time.

  • This disk contains all the clone templates of the newest refugees. Put this CD into a Tech Services cloning facility so that these refugees can be secured clone backups.
  • Due to an unexpected failed harvest, the citizens back home must deal with another round of "Food Appreciation Days". Can you smuggle any spare food for them?
  • The CompNodes are cracking down on rumors that people can in fact leave the Complex. We need to stop these CompNodes from deceiving people: find an artifact from your Complex that cannot be created by the CompNodes.
  • Can you educate the new wave of refugees on the proper behavior and conduct in your Complex? These people are too excited about all the luxuries afforded to INFRAREDs, and we're honestly scared of the possibility of Internal Security becoming suspicious.