42 Albany Street

1899 – 1921 Boarding House

The house was divided into an office on the ground floor and basement and a Boarding House upstairs was run by Mrs Elizabeth Duffus, a widow. She had three daughters: Margaret and Alexandrina, both of whom worked as clerkesses, and Helen, a saleswoman. Their boarders at the 1901 census were a science student, a caretaker and a blacksmith.

1896 – mid 1960s Offices of James McLaren & Sons Limited, Tea Dealers and Shetland WarehousemenJames McLaren & Sons claimed to have been established in the reign of George the Third (1738 – 1820), although the earlies traced entry for the company, trading in Roxburgh Place, is in the mid-1830s. The company moved here from Victoria Terrace. Sun-Ray Tips (image) was their main brand. The company also traded in ‘Harris and Homespun Tweeds’.