2nd District History

     When the Department of Iowa was first established, there were 11 Districts.  The

Department Convention was held in Cedar Rapids.

     2nd District initially consisted of the counties of Muscatine, Johnson, Iowa, Scott, 

Clinton, and Jackson.  Jones and Linn Counties were in 5th District and Dubuque County 

was in 3rd District.

     In 1931, at the Department of Iowa Convention, the Department went to 9 Districts

and 2nd District was comprised of Linn, Jones, Dubuque, Jackson, Clinton and Scott.

Iowa, Johnson and Muscatine Counties went to 1st District.

     To date, 2nd District has had 10 Department Commanders and 10 Department 

Presidents.  They were:

     Bettie Andrews was not only the first female Department Commander (1987-1988), but as you 

will see below, was the first female 2nd District Commander (1983-1984).

     2nd District Commanders and Presidents over the years have been:

History Past and Present Commanders (1).xlsx