2022 programme

AILIS General Assembly

  • Thursday, 3 March 2022 (17:30) : All Association members are welcome to attend!

Library Science Talks

  • Tuesday 15 March 2022 (17:15) : CANCELLED! "Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center and its impact on the cultural landscape in Greece" from Dimitri Protopsaltou (Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center).

  • Tuesday 12 April 2022 (17:15) : "Library UX: Transitioning from physical to online" from Aimee Andersen and Sinead Beverland (Westminster Universities Libraries).

  • Tuesday 10 May 2022 (17:15) : "Do we still need public libraries?" from Knut Skansen (Library Director, Deichman Library)

  • Tuesday 6 September 2022 (17:15) : "Leveraging data communities to advance Open Science" from Danielle Cooper (Ithaka S+R, New York)

  • Monday 10 October 2022 (17:15) : CANCELLED! "Knowledge management" from Kendra Albright (Kent State University) Cancelled due to non-availability of the speaker

  • Monday 14 November 2022 (17:15) : "The WHO COVID-19 Research Database: behind the scenes of a super powerful tool!" from José Luis Garnica Carreño (World Health Organization)

Slides and recordings of this year's Library Science Talks

Library UX : Transitioning from physical to online

A Library Science Talk from 12 April 2022 featuring Aimee Andersen and Sinead Beverland of Westminster Universities Libraries

Library UX_AimeeAnderson_2022-04.pdf

Do we still need public libraries?

A Library Science Talk from 10 May 2022 featuring Knut Skansen of Deichman Library

Unfortunately, the slides for this Library Science Talk cannot be made available.

Leveraging Data Communities.pdf

Leveraging data communities to advance open science

A Library Science Talk from 6 September 2022 featuring Danielle Cooper of Ithaka S+R, New York

The WHO COVID-19 database: behind the scenes of a super powerful tool!

A Library Science Talk from 14 November 2022 featuring José Garnica Carreno of the WHO Library

WHO-COVID-19-Presenter-AILIS- November 2022-Final.pdf