2021 programme

AILIS General Assembly

  • Wednesday, 3 March 2021 (17:30) : All Association members are welcome to attend!

Library Science Talks

  • Tuesday, 9 February 2021 (17:15) : Special talk from Torsten Reimer (British Library) on "The perfect storm : Challenges for research libraries in the coming decade"

  • Monday, 12 April 2021 (17:15) : "Brightening an archive : Streamlining access to OA datasets" from Brady Lopatin, Terrence Eric (University of California)

  • Tuesday, 18 May 2021 (17:15) : "Open science is built on trust...How about our library organisation?" from Matthijs van Otegem (Rotterdam University)

  • Monday, 14 June 2021 (17:15) : "IFLA guidelines for digital reunification" from Isabelle Nyffenegger (BNF Paris) Cancelled due to non-availability of the speaker

  • Tuesday, 14 September 2021 (17:15) : "The social construction of risk in trustworthy digital repository certification " from Rebecca Frank (Humboldt-Universität Berlin)

  • Monday, 11 October 2021 (17:15) : "Reinventing the library" from Marie-Pierre Pausch (University of Luxembourg)

  • Monday, 15 November 2021 (17:15) : "The architect in the library lab" from Ina Blümel (TIB Hannover)

Slides and recordings of this year's Library Science Talks

The perfect storm: Challenges for research libraries in the coming decade

A special talk from 9 February 2021 featuring Torsten Reimer of the British Library


Brightening an archive : Streamlining access to OA datasets

A Library Science Talk from 12 April 2021 featuring Eric Lopatin and Terrence Brady of the University of California


Opening up your library organisation

A Library Science Talk from 18 May 2021 featuring Matthijs van Otegem of Rotterdam University

open sciene Library Organisation CERN May 2021.pptx

The social construction of risk in trustworth digital repository certification

A Library Science Talk from 14 September 2021 featuring Rebecca Frank of Humboldt-Universität Berlin


Reinventing the library

A Library Science Talk from 11 October 2021 featuring Marie-Pierre Pausch of University of Luxembourg


The architect in the library lab

A Library Science Talk from 15 November 2021 featuring Ina Blumel of TIB

Video forthcoming

2021-11_The architect in the library lab.pdf