Join as an individual member

Join us—Become a member of AILIS!

Step 1: Registration for membership

Please complete and submit the online AILIS Individual Membership Registration Form.

Step 2: Payment of membership fees

The membership fees are:

Individuals: CHF 30.00

Students/Unemployed: CHF 15.00

We invite individual members to pay by bank transfer or by Bulletin de versement at the Post Office as follows:

Name of the bank: Swiss Post – PostFinance

Bank address: Nordring 8, 3030 Bern

Account holder: Association of International Librarians and Information Specialists

Account number: 12-18750-0

IBAN: CH0609000000120187500


Any individual members who would prefer to receive an invoice are welcome to request one.

For any queries about payment, please contact:

David Decharte, Treasurer, AILIS, C.P. 240, 1218 Le Grand-Saconnex.

E mail: ailis.committee[at]