
Audacity software is downloaded on all library computers. To access, go to START, ALL PROGRAMS, AUDACITY.

The requirements to record voice narration is the Audacity software downloaded to a computer and a microphone headset that can be checked out from the library. All library computers have Audacity installed on them.

Audacity is used for recording voice narration. The files are saved in .aup format, which is used only by Audacity. To save in a format usable by Movie Maker or other tools, you will need to first save it in Audacity's .aup format, then EXPORT it in .wav format (use the drop down box to select this format).

Even though it is powerful, Audacity is very user-friendly. As seen by the screen shot to the left, the major controls are very familiar.

When recording, you actually see your voice converting to audio waves. Once recorded, you can listen to your recording to determine if adjustments need to be made prior to saving the file.

Reference Resources for Audacity:

Quick Help Guide

Online Manual

Audacity Wiki - (the latest tips, tricks and tutorials, on the Internet)

Audacity Forum - ask your questions directly, on the Internet